The seven hundred and seventy-eighth day (778) of the large-scale armed aggression of the russians against ours continues.


Northern oblasts


Another day center for social and psychological support will be opened in Kyiv. Psychologists, lawyers and social workers will provide assistance to survivors of domestic and gender-based violence. Currently, the specialists are working in the Shevchenkivskyi and Dniprovskyi districts of the city.

Kyiv Oblast

Russia used 5 new X-69 missiles to attack the Trypillia TPP. They were launched from a range of about 400 km. This is 100 km more than before.

All settlements of the Kyiv Oblast are currently connected to the power grid, despite yesterday’s missile attack, yet residents are asked to use energy sparingly.

Zhytomyr Oblast

Construction of modular houses for IDPs continues in the Zhytomyr community. The first 40 are due to be built in a month.

Chernihiv Oblast

Over the course of April 11, the russian army attacked three border communities in the Chernihiv Oblast with unguided airborne missiles, tube artillery, and mortars. A drone dropped explosives on one of the settlements of the Semenivka community.

Sumy Oblast

During the day, the russian military shelled the Sumy Oblast 157 times. 12 communities in the oblast came under fire. Four people were wounded, including a 16-year-old teenager.

In Sumy, the russian army hit the critical infrastructure facility – the local thermal power plant – with KAB guided aerial bombs. According to preliminary reports, people were not hurt. The blast wave damaged windows in high-rise buildings.

At night and in the morning of April 12, the enemy shelled the border areas and settlements of the Sumy Oblast seven times. A total of 39 explosions were recorded.

This afternoon, explosions thundered in Sumy. The military recorded the launches of guided aerial bombs from the territory of russia. The consequences are being clarified.

Eastern regions

Kharkiv Oblast

Over the course of the day, russians bombed 6 settlements in the oblast.

At night, Russians shelled Novoosynove of the Kurylivka community, setting fire to a house and a summer kitchen. On April 11, the russian army shelled the village at least twice.

Yesterday, Kharkiv was attacked by a Lancet drone, damaging civilian infrastructure and cars.

The cemetery, power grids, houses and sheds were damaged as a result of shelling of the village of Lemishchyne in the Zolochiv community.

A 64-year-old man was killed in Kupiansk-Vuzlovyi as a result of shelling. Two people were wounded in Monachynivka in the Kupiansk Raion.

A 16-year-old teenager who was wounded in the airstrike on Lyptsi on April 10 is in a stable serious condition. He is currently in the intensive care unit after undergoing surgery.

Donetsk Oblast 

One person in Krasnohorivka, the Donetsk Oblast, was wounded by russian shelling during April 11.

The Ukrainian military repelled 67 attacks by the russian occupation forces on the fronts of the Donetsk, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts during April 11. In the Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and Novopavlivka directions, the russian army attacked with the support of aviation.

The russian military carried out airstrikes on 24 settlements in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

All children were evacuated from 56 settlements in the Donetsk Oblast. A total of 1,016 children have been removed from Donetsk Oblast since the announcement of forced evacuation.

Kramatorsk and Kramatorsk Raion

10 years ago, on April 12, 2014, a russian sabotage squad led by Igor Girkin seized the raion police department in Sloviansk. The russian flag was raised there. At the same time, Kramatorsk, Druzhkivka and Bakhmut were captured. The cities were under the control of the separatists for almost three months.

Pokrovsk and Pokrovsk Raion

The russian army hit Malynivka of the Pokrovsk Raion with “Hurricanes” last night.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut Raion

The Ukrainian military does not allow the russian army to enter and gain a foothold in the settlement of Chasiv Yar. Heavy fighting is taking place in Ivanivsk and Bohdanivka.

Volnovakha and Volnovakha Raion

On April 11, the russian military dropped two guided aerial bombs on Bohatyr of the Velyka Novoselivka community and damaged 24 private homes and cars.

Residents of Makiivka and policemen, who were delivering building materials for rebuilding houses and a week’s supply of bread to Makiivka and Hrekivka on April 11, came under enemy fire. The injured policemen were given emergency medical care.

Last day, the russian army carried out airstrikes on Tverdokhlibove and Bilohorivka.

Southern oblasts

Mykolaiv Oblast

Mykolaiv was hit by a ballistic missile at noon yesterday. Five civilians died, another six people were injured. Houses, cars and industrial facilities were damaged.

In the Mykolaiv Oblast, April 13 was declared the Day of Mourning for those who died as a result of the russian missile attack on Mykolaiv on April 11.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

279 strikes were carried out by the russian army on eight cities and villages of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast yesterday, on April 11. A woman was injured as a result of shelling in the city of Huliaipole. Two fires broke out in Huliaipole and Orihiv of the Pologiv Raion.

Five attacks of the russian army in the Orihiv direction were repulsed by the Defense Forces yesterday, April 11.

Odesa Oblast

One drone was shot down over Odesa at night.

The number of people killed as a result of the attack on the Odesa Raion on April 10 increased to six. A 56-year-old man died in the hospital.

Kherson Oblast

Yesterday, the russian military attacked 15 settlements in the Kherson Oblast. Seven private houses and a critical infrastructure facility were damaged. There are no casualties or injuries.

This morning on the outskirts of Bobrovy Kut in the Kherson Oblast, two people blew themselves up with explosives near the river. Previously – on an anti-personnel mine. The man received a traumatic leg amputation, the woman – shrapnel injuries.

The military of the russian federation attacked a residential building in Kachkarivka in the Kherson Oblast from a drone. A local resident was injured.

The russian military attacked a woman with a drone in Beryslav of the Kherson Oblast. She was diagnosed with explosive and craniocerebral injuries, shrapnel wounds to the head and legs.

Central oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Air defense forces in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast shot down four enemy drones. In Oblast, a fire broke out at an energy facility due to falling debris from a downed drone. It was possible to localize it.

On the night of April 12, the russian army attacked Nikopol with FPV drones. Two drones targeted the Myrove community. Two private houses were damaged. There are no dead or injured.

Vinnytsia Oblast

Air defense forces worked in the Oblast that night. No damage or injuries have been reported.

Western oblasts

Lviv Oblast

In the Lviv Oblast, police explosives officers found and defused the warhead of a russian UAV and the remains of missiles. Explosives officers destroyed them on the training ground.

Khmelnytskyi Oblast

Khmelnytskyi was attacked by “shaheds” that night. Several residential buildings were damaged by the debris of downed drones. Their roofs were destroyed.

Last modified: 13 Квітня, 2024