The seven hundred and ninety-sixth day (796) of the large-scale armed aggression of the russians against ours continues.


Northern Oblasts


Duchess of Edinburgh Sophie Helen came to Kyiv. This is the first visit of a British royal person to Ukraine since the beginning of the russian invasion in 2014. The Duchess met with people who survived sexual violence and torture, as well as with children who were returned to Ukraine from russia and the temporarily occupied territories.  

Chernihiv Oblast

The russians shelled four villages in three border communities of the Oblast yesterday with mortars, drones and an airplane. The enemy drone targeted the building of a grain warehouse in one of the villages on the border of Chernihiv Oblast.

Air defense forces landed a russian reconnaissance UAV in Chernihiv Oblast.

The security situation in the Semenivka community of Chernihiv Oblast worsened significantly during April. The russian military is firing from “Grads”, artillery, launching rockets, and also started using cluster munitions. Because of shelling, half of the population has left.

Sumy Oblast 

On April 29, the russian army shelled 14 settlements in Sumy Oblast. There is damage and destruction. 73 explosions were recorded.

At night and in the morning, the russian army struck Sumy Oblast 5 times, 13 explosions were recorded.

Eastern Oblasts 

Kharkiv Oblast

On April 29, a 58-year-old man was blown up in Velikie Prohody of the Dergachy community, the injured man was taken to a hospital in Kharkiv.

On the night of April 30, the russians shelled Kupyansk-Vuzlovy from aviation, a 67-year-old man was injured. Also, during the day, the russians bombarded Kharkiv, Zagryzov, Slobozhansk, and Liptsi.

Kruglyakivka came under fire from the “Uragan”, and the russians hit Vovchansk with a drone – a residential building was damaged.

In the Kupyansk direction, Ukrainian soldiers repelled nine attacks in the areas of Berestov and Novosergiivka settlements of the Kharkiv Oblast.

Today, the russians hit Kharkiv with three aerial bombs. There were two hits on the territory of a garage cooperative in the Kyiv raion and one hit on the territory of a civilian transport enterprise in the Kholodnohirskyi district. Three women and a man were hospitalized with explosive injuries, five more people were treated on the spot. One man died. 

The Ukrainian military in the Kupyansk direction record the activation of the russian army. The enemy is raising personnel, ammunition, and equipment.

Donetsk Oblast 

One person died and two were injured in Donetsk Oblast on April 29. In total, since the beginning of the invasion, not counting the victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha, 1,939 people have died, and 4,850 residents of the region have been injured.

About 100 attacks were repelled by Ukrainian soldiers at the front in Donetsk region and Luhansk Oblast since April 29.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut raion 

In the area of ​​Chasiv Yar, the intensity of the offensive of the russian army has decreased in recent days. At the same time, russian troops continue their attempts to bypass the city from the flanks in order to surround it and reach the section of the Siverskyi Donets-Donbas canal.

Southern Oblasts 

Mykolayiv Oblast

On April 29, the water area of ​​the Ochakiv community came under russian artillery fire twice. The russian army also shelled the village of Rybakivka of the Koblyvo community twice. The power line near the recreation center was damaged. There are no casualties.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

The russian army struck 254 times at seven towns and villages in Zaporizhzhia Oblast over the course of 24 hours on April 29.

Residents of Zaporizhzhia and Zaporizhzhia Oblast are urged to refrain from visiting churches on Easter for security reasons and to join the services online.

Odesa Oblast

Yesterday in the evening, russians fired an Iskander-M missile with a cluster warhead at Odesa. It is known that five people were killed: one man died as a result of a stroke provoked by the attack. The shrapnel also killed a dog. 32 people were injured, including two children and a pregnant woman. The girl, who is not yet five years old, is in severe condition. Six other adults are also in intensive care. The explosions were followed by a massive fire in the palace of students of the Odesa Law Academy. 

Today, a day of mourning was declared in Odesa Oblast due to the deaths of five people in the russian attack.

Kherson Oblast

Over the past day, russian troops shelled 17 settlements in Kherson Oblast. A critical infrastructure facility, an administrative building, a cultural institution and 10 private houses were damaged. One person was killed and another wounded.

In the morning, the russian military attacked the Korabelny district of Kherson. A private house was damaged and a summer kitchen was destroyed. No one was killed or injured.

Central Oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Two private houses were damaged as a result of shelling in Nikopol Raion on the night of April 30. Nikopol, Marhanets and Chervonohryhorivka communities were hit. No one was killed or injured.  

Vinnytsia Oblast

390 enterprises relocated to Vinnytsia Oblast, of which almost 300 have already resumed their operations in the new location. They created 1911 jobs.

Last modified: 1 Травня, 2024