The seven hundred and ninety-seventh day (797) of the large-scale armed aggression of the russians against ours continues.


Northern Oblasts 


Estonian deputy Kristo Ann Vaga has cycled 1,700 kilometers from Tallinn to Kyiv to help the Armed Forces. During the trip, he managed to collect almost 30 thousand euros, which will be used to buy cars and FPV drones. He also wanted to draw the attention of Europeans to the war in Ukraine.

At the “Zvirynetska” metro station, the old name “Friendship of Peoples” was dismantled from the track walls and two of the four sets of the new name were installed. A total of 52 symbols have been made for this station, which can only be installed at night when there are no trains running and there is no voltage on the contact rail. The rest of the inscriptions will be mounted one of the following nights.

In the St. Theodosius Men’s Monastery in Kyiv, the priests who will be sent to the front were consecrated. The clergy were joined by chaplains and military personnel. Together with the Vladyslava Molchanova Charitable Fund, three thousand belts will be handed over to Ukrainian defenders.

Ukraine’s largest mural featuring Valery Zaluzhny appeared in Kyiv. The mural was created by artist Yevhenii Kucher in 13 hours. The work is located at 51 Kotelnikova Street, and its size reaches 120m2.

Kyiv Oblast 

Residents of the Swiss city of Kloten collected one million hryvnias for the “Pinocchio” kindergarten in Borodyanka, Kyiv Oblast. A representative of the Swiss humanitarian organization “Klotenhelpsukreine” visited Borodyanka again. In particular, he brought children’s toys, tools for creativity and other things for the pupils of the kindergarten.

77 relocated enterprises are located in Kyiv Oblast. The other day, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi, the first lady Olena Zelenska and the head of KOMA visited one of these enterprises “New Kitchen”. This is a relocated business that operates in Slavutych, Kyiv Oblast. It was founded by Maria and Serhii Bubnovy. Before the full-scale russian invasion, they had a successful business in Mariupol. Fermented and pickled products were produced. The goods were sold in retail chains of the city under the brand name “Azov Factory Kitchen”.

In Irpin, a house is being rebuilt on 2-K University Street. So far, the roof and facade have been restored, windows have been installed, and repair work has been carried out in common areas. The restoration of the house is financed by the state program of the Foundation for the Elimination of the Consequences of Armed Aggression.

Zhytomyr Oblast 

The photo exhibition “Azov Regiment – Angels of Mariupol” was presented in Zhytomyr. More than 200 portraits and autobiographies of fallen soldiers of the “Azov” regiment were exhibited in one of the halls of the regional local history museum.

Chernihiv Oblast 

200,000 euros each from France for the reconstruction of the district hospital in Chernihiv and the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, which were damaged on April 17 by russian missiles. Vyacheslav Chaus, the head of the Chernihiv OMA, told about this result of the meeting with the French delegation.

Sumy Oblast 

During May 1, the russian army struck Khotyn, Yunakive, Myropillya, Bilopillya, Krasnopillya, Velikopysarivka, Esman, Shalygine, Svesk, Seredina-Buda communities of Sumy Oblast. 130 explosions were recorded. In Seredyna-Buda, private homes and premises of the lyceum were damaged. One private house was damaged in Zapsilla of the Myropillya community.

During the night and morning of May 2, the russian army struck Sumy Oblast 6 times. The Khotyn, Myropillya, Esman and Seredina-Buda communities were under fire. 27 explosions were recorded.

Eastern Oblasts

Kharkiv Oblast 

On May 2, russian troops conducted airstrikes on Dergachi, Kharkiv Oblast. Eight people were injured, including 7 children. They were in a sports club at the time of the air strike.

About 17 settlements in Kharkiv Oblast were subjected to artillery and mortar attacks: Synkivka, Stepova Novoselivka, Kotlyarivka and others. Vesele, Kharkiv, Vovchansk, Synkivka, Petropavlivka, and Podoly came under aerial bombardment.

As a result of russian shelling of Borova, an outbuilding was damaged and a residential building was partially destroyed. A 66-year-old woman was injured. 

The shelling of Zolochiv, Kharkiv Oblast, damaged administrative buildings, the Oschadbank building, more than 20 cars, and destroyed a private house. Two people were killed and thirteen injured. 

A russian drone hit a tractor in a field in Izyum raion, and the driver was taken to the hospital with a concussion. 

Yesterday, Ukrainian troops in the Kupyansk sector repelled 14 attacks, including in the areas of Petropavlivka, Ivanivka, Kyslivka, Kotlyarivka, Berestove, Kopanky in Kharkiv Oblast. 

Over the course of the day in Kharkiv Oblast, combined bomb disposal teams cleared 41.6 hectares of mines and destroyed 486 explosive devices.

Donetsk Oblast

As a result of the shelling on May 1 in Sloviansk, a blast wave damaged three multi-storey buildings and a kindergarten in the Khimik microdistrict – windows, balconies, and facades were damaged. Residents are covering the windows, while utilities and humanitarian organizations are providing assistance. They are also cleaning the kindergarten, which was also damaged by the shelling.  

On the night of May 2, the russian military shelled Toretsk. There was destruction on the territory of an industrial enterprise.

During May 1, the russian army conducted air strikes with a guided aerial bomb on Kostyantynivka and Zhelanne.

Pokrovsk and Pokrovsk raion

In the Avdiyivka direction, 39 attacks were repelled in the areas of Kalynove, Arkhangelske, Progress, Ocheretyne, Sokil, Solovyove, Novopokrovske, Semenivka, Umanske, Yasnobrodivka, Netaylove and Pervomayske in Donetsk Oblast.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut raion

In the Bakhmut direction, 20 russian attacks were repelled in the areas of Bilohorivka, Luhansk Oblast; Verkhniokamianske, Spirne, Novyi, Donetsk Oblast.


The National Resistance Center informs that the occupation authorities are actively offering illegally appropriated land along the Azov coast to so-called investors from russian regions. These are primarily recreational areas, boarding houses and recreation centers.

Luhansk Oblast

During the day, the occupiers fired several times at Nevske and its surroundings. At least four explosions were heard in the village. The extent of the damage is being clarified. The settlement was hit by artillery and drones.

New areas of Rubizhne remained in a more or less habitable condition. Therefore, it was there that the invaders organized a demonstrative restoration of the most surviving high-rise buildings.

Southern Oblasts 

Mykolaiv Oblast

Yesterday, May 1, an X-59 air-launched cruise missile was shot down. As a result of the downing, the missile fragments damaged the transport infrastructure. There were no casualties.

Also yesterday, the water area of the Ochakiv community came under artillery fire. There were no casualties.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

The russian army conducted 368 attacks on eight towns and villages in Zaporizhzhia Oblast over the past day. In particular, it attacked Gulyaypole, Levadne, Robotyno, Mala Tokmachka, Malynivka and Novoandriivka with 139 drones of various modifications. No one was killed or wounded.

Four fires occurred in Gulyaypole and Orikhove due to russian shelling yesterday, May 1. In particular, the roofs of residential buildings, household items and an outbuilding were on fire. 

Odesa Oblast

On the evening of May 1, two explosions occurred in Odesa. The russian army again attacked the city with ballistic missiles. They hit the sorting center of Nova Poshta. One person was hospitalized, 13 others were treated on the spot. The rocket destroyed 15.5 tons of orders from online stores with clothes, appliances, children’s toys, medicines, etc. One of the city’s fire stations was damaged by the blast wave: glass in some rooms was smashed and the ceiling was damaged. 

Kherson Oblast

On the left bank of Kherson Oblast, the occupation administration is forcibly evicting residents of Hola Prystan, Kohany and Hladkivka. They are forbidden to take bulky items with them, and are only allowed to take hand luggage. People are temporarily accommodated in other settlements of Kherson Oblast and in Crimea. The occupiers seize houses to house their military and employees of the so-called “administrations”.

During the day, the russian military shelled 22 settlements in Kherson Oblast. A hangar, an outbuilding, a multi-storey building and two private houses were damaged. No one was killed or injured.

Central Oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

In addition to Nikopol, on the afternoon of May 1, russian troops attacked the communities of Myrivka and Marhanets. Shells damaged a private house and a power line. In the district center, not only a medical facility and houses were damaged, but also 2 infrastructure facilities. A car that caught fire was destroyed. 

On the night of May 2, russians attacked Nikopol Raion 12 times. A two-story residential building, an administrative building, an agricultural company, and a minibus were damaged. The areas are still being examined.

During the day on May 2, russians continued to attack Nikopol Raion. They used kamikaze drones and heavy artillery. Three multi-story buildings, private houses, an outbuilding, a gymnasium and a business were damaged. Also, 4 trucks and a moped were damaged. A power line was also hit. 

Last modified: 3 Травня, 2024