Northern Oblasts


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy together with Olaf Scholz signed the Agreement on cooperation in the field of security and long-term support between Ukraine and Germany. The document establishes German support for Ukraine at the amount of more than 7 billion euros for this year.

The Security Service of Ukraine detained an FSB agent who was passing information on to the russians to breach Kyiv’s defenses in the first days of the full-scale invasion. He faces life imprisonment.

Ukraine returned the bodies of 58 dead soldiers.

Kyiv Oblast

Residents of Vorzel are recovering from the morning missile attack of the russian federation on February 15. One of the missiles fell near the village, the blast wave passed through private households. It is known about damage to ten houses in Vorzel and more than a dozen in Buda-Babynetska.

Car traffic was restricted along the Warsaw highway in Hostomel. An investigative experiment is being conducted there as part of the investigation of war crimes by the russian military. In February 2022, russian soldiers shot 10 cars with civilians trying to evacuate there.

Chernihiv Oblast

Yesterday, the russians shelled the Semenivka community, which is on the border of the Chernihiv Oblast.

Sumy Oblast

During the day, the russian army shelled the territory of the Sumy Oblast 16 times. 74 explosions were recorded. Seven communities were under fire.

At night, the russian military hit the Seredyna-Buda community three times. 17 explosions from mortars and MLRS were recorded.

An Kh-59 guided air missile was destroyed in the Oblast at night.

This afternoon, the Sumy Oblast came under fire from the Kursk Oblast of the russian federation. Consequences are established.

Eastern oblasts

Kharkiv Oblast

15 settlements of the Kharkiv Oblast were hit by artillery and mortar attacks, seven settlements were hit by airstrikes.

Two men died as a result of an ammunition detonation near Dovhenke in the Izium Raion. The dead were 25 and 50 years old. Another man was hospitalized with a shrapnel wound.

A 52-year-old man died as a result of shelling in Vovchanski Khutory this afternoon. Another resident of the village was injured. Residential buildings are damaged.

February 16 has been declared the Day of Mourning for the Dead in the Velykyi Burluk community. As a result of an S-300 attack on a two-story building in Velykyi Burluk on February 14, five people were killed. The youngest was 27 years old, the oldest was 74.

A total of 1,008 dead bodies, of which 29 are children, were found in the de-occupied territory of the Kharkiv Oblast on February 16. 875 victims were identified.

In the Kupiansk sector, Ukrainian troops repelled three attacks near Synkivka and Ivanivka. 

Donetsk Oblast

In Donetsk Oblast, one woman was killed by russian shelling in Zoria on February 15, and two men were wounded. Another person was wounded in Novohorodivka yesterday.

Ukrainian troops repelled 86 russian attacks in Lyman, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Novopavlivka, and Maryinka sectors over the last day. Most of the attacks were made in the Maryinka and Avdiivka sectors.

Pokrovsk and Pokrovsk Raion

Ukrainian Armed Forces withdraw from the “Zenit” position on the southeastern outskirts of Avdiivka. The decision to withdraw was made to save personnel and improve the operational situation.

The russian army is using a large number of guided aerial bombs and phosphorus munitions in the Avdiivka sector. In some areas, they are also using unknown chemical warfare agents. Over the past 2.5 days, the enemy dropped about 250 guided aerial bombs on Avdiivka and the area.

The Third Separate Assault Brigade said that there are at least 15,000 russian army personnel in their area of responsibility in Avdiivka.

On February 15, the russian army attacked Novohrodivka with three S-300 missiles and sent another S-300 to Selidove.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut Raion

Chasiv Yar suffered five attacks over the past day, including a KAB-500 bomb attack by the russian army.

Southern Oblasts 

Mykolaiv Oblast 

Damaged buildings, businesses and infrastructure: the russian army attacked the community of Mykolaiv Oblast on February 15. No one was killed or injured.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

The russian army conducted 172 strikes on 17 towns and villages in Zaporizhzhia Oblast over the course of a day. In particular, two air strikes on Novodarivka, three missile strikes on Zaporizhzhia, and the army used drones, artillery and MLRS in other settlements.

The occupiers invite russians to move to Berdiansk for permanent residence. They want to artificially increase the percentage of those who support russian aggression and will vote “correctly” in the pseudo-elections.

Kherson Oblast

Over the past 24 hours, russian troops fired 14 times at the right-bank Kherson Oblast, launching 50 shells from artillery, mortars, MLRS, and UAVs. One person was killed.

In Kalanchak, on the temporarily occupied territory of Kherson Oblast, russian troops tortured a local priest, Stepan Podolchak.

Russian troops attack Kherson during the night. Windows were smashed in houses, facades and roofs were damaged, cars were damaged, and craters were made on the roads. Fires broke out in buildings.

The water supply system was damaged during the night shelling of Kherson. There is no water supply in Zhytloselyshche. Repairs are currently underway.

In the morning, russian troops attacked Romashkove village, located in the Belozerka community of the Kherson Oblast. A projectile hit a house, wounding a local resident.

Central Oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

The thermal power plant in Dnipro, which was attacked by russian drones on the night of February 13, has resumed operation.

Kirovohrad Oblast

A russian missile hit the Kropyvnytskyi Raion this afternoon. Previously, it passed without injuries and destruction.

Poltava Oblast

At night, the russian army hit an open area in the Myrhorod Raion of the Poltava Oblast. There were no casualties or injuries.

This afternoon, russian troops attacked the Kremenchuk and Myrhorod raions with missiles. Previously, there were no casualties or injuries.

Western Oblasts

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

Parishioners of the Church of the Annunciation of the Holy Virgin from the village of Verbovets collected money for two drones for the Ukrainian military. Drones were consecrated and transferred to the front.

Last modified: 17 Лютого, 2024