
Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network May 12, 2022

The 78th day of the Ukrainian people’s heroic struggle against the russian military invasion


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network May 11, 2022

The 77th day of the Ukrainian people’s heroic struggle against the russian military invasion


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network April 28, 2022

The 64th day of the Ukrainian people’s heroic struggle against the russian military invasion


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network May 10, 2022

The 76th day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the russian military invasion


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network May 9, 2022

Ukraine in brief: The 75th day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the russian


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network May 8, 2022

The 74th day of the Ukrainian people’s heroic struggle against the russian military invasion


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network May 7, 2022

The 73rd day of the Ukrainian people’s heroic struggle against the russian military invasion


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network May 6, 2022

Day seventy second of the Ukrainian people’s heroic struggle against the russian military


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network May 5, 2022

The 71st day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the russian military invasion


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network May 4, 2022

The 70th day of the Ukrainian people’s heroic struggle against the russian military invasion