The six hundred and eighty-eighth day (697) of the large-scale armed aggression of the russians against ours continues.


Northern Oblasts 


British Prime Minister Sunak arrived in Kyiv. He is to meet with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, and announce a new military aid package.

The wild animal rescue center is looking for guardian friends for the speedy recovery and rehabilitation of rescued animals. Kyiv citizens and residents of the region are asked to help with donations. Anyone willing can become a guardian of a particular animal or bird.

Kyiv Oblast 

In Glevakha, the construction of an anti-radiation shelter with an area of ​​almost 600 m² is underway on the territory of two kindergartens “Romashka” and “Zoloti zernyata”. Currently, due to the lack of storage, their pets are forced to visit other kindergartens. The future protective structure will be able to accommodate up to 400 people and will allow children to return to institutions.

A pilot project for the processing of waste generated as a result of the destruction caused by hostilities is ongoing in the Kyiv Oblast. 30 units of special equipment for this purpose were provided by the Japan International Cooperation Agency. It will be used for the dismantling of destroyed objects, disposal of construction waste in Bucha, Gorenka, Borodyanka, Irpin and other cities and villages of the Kyiv Oblast that have suffered significant destruction.

Representatives of mass media from Great Britain visited Bucha. The foreigners plan to film the stories of local residents about the occupation, and later to create a film. Journalists want to tell the world about the war in Ukraine.

In Irpin, near the ruins of the Central House of Culture, a sculpture by the Japanese artist Yoshio Yagi was installed. It is called “Meditation space for a monk”. In this way, the organizers of the project want to draw the world’s attention to the destroyed culture of Irpen and to its restoration.

Zhytomyr Oblast 

In Zhytomyr Oblast, a 29-year-old resident of Berdychiv was informed of suspicion of treason and participation in the paramilitary armed formation of russia.

Taxpayers of the Zhytomyr Oblast have directed more than one billion hryvnias of military tax to the state budget to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Chernihiv Oblast 

Russian troops fired mortars at four border communities of Chernihiv Oblast. Consequences are clarified.

Sumy Oblast 

During the day, the russian army shelled the territory of Sumy Oblast 11 times. 38 explosions were recorded. Seven communities came under fire from the territory of russia. Livestock died, households and a private house were damaged.

At night, the russian army shelled Sumy Oblast twice. 4 explosions were recorded.

In the Sumy Oblast, due to bad weather, power was cut off in 9 settlements, that is more than 300 consumers.

Eastern Oblasts 

Kharkiv Oblast 

Over the past 24 hours, more than 12 settlements of Chuguyiv and Kupyansk raions have been hit by russian artillery and mortars.

Today, around 04:40, the russians made two strikes with guided aerial bombs between Vovchansk and Vilcha, no people were injured.

The russian military twice tried to storm Sinkivka. Attacks repulsed.

During the occupation of the Kupyansk raion, the russians set up one of the torture chambers in the basement of the Orchid Hotel in the village of Hrushivka. Ukrainians were kept tied and with bags on their heads in a room that was not heated. In addition, they were deprived of water, food and the opportunity to go to the toilet. The investigators established the name of one of the russians who tortured people there.

In Kharkiv, utility workers have been eliminating the consequences of russian rocket attacks on the hotel on Shevchenko Street for the second day. Rescuers are working at the scene. In the damaged building of the institution, broken windows were closed.

As a result of hostilities, almost 16,000 subscribers in 65 settlements of 8 communities are without electricity.

Donetsk Oblast

During the day, the police of Donetsk Oblast recorded the consequences of 8 russian attacks. The enemy concentrated fire on 5 settlements: the cities of Avdiyivka, Myrnograd, the village of Shcherbynivka, the villages of Berdychi, and Novobakhmutivka. 5 residential buildings and a lyceum were damaged. There was no information about the victims at this time.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled 47 attacks by russian troops in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts on January 11. Most of the battles took place in the Avdiyivka and Maryinka directions.

Kramatorsk and Kramatorsk Raion

Russian army launched two rocket attacks on Kostiantynivka at night, hitting the hospital territory, no damage.

Sviatohirsk community decided to get rid of soviet street names. Public discussions have been announced. It is expected that Kozatska Street will be replaced by ruska Street, Solnechna Street by suvorov Street, and Peremohy Street by gagarin Street. 

Pokrovsk and Pokrovsk Raion

The occupants conducted an air strike on Avdiivka. Two private houses were destroyed. Two more houses were damaged in Shcherbynivka.

Today after midnight russia fired S-300 missiles at Myrnohrad. There is damage to the infrastructure.

Since the beginning of the year, the russian army has dropped 154 cruise missiles on Avdiivka, and in 2023 it has used 146 bombs. On January 11, the russian army fired 52 times at the community and carried out 12 air strikes.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut Raion

An apartment building in Toretsk was damaged as a result of hostile shelling yesterday. Preliminary, no one was injured.

After midnight today, russia fired S-300 missiles at Kostiantynivka. There is damage to the infrastructure.

In the area of Bakhmut, russian troops are trying to enter the Siversky Donets-Donbas canal to capture Chasiv Yar. The russian army also wants to resume the offensive in the Siverskyi sector.


The occupiers are preparing for a large-scale mobilization in the occupied territories. As part of the forced passportization process, the invaders are forcing Ukrainians to register at fake “military registration and enlistment offices.” At the same time, they are putting pressure on people to sign a contract and become “volunteers.”

Luhansk Oblast

The russian occupiers filtered out residents after an air strike on the town of Rubizhne on January 8. In particular, they evicted more than 300 people and searched their homes. After these measures, people lost their property. 

Metropolitan Vasyl Povorozniuk of the Luhansk Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the moscow patriarchate was notified of suspicion in absentia. According to the SBU, the cleric blessed the “accession” of the occupied territories to russia, in particular, Luhansk Oblast. He is currently in the temporarily occupied territory.

Mykolaiv Oblast 

On January 11, russian shelling was recorded in the city of Ochakiv and the Ochakiv community. There were no casualties.

As of the morning of January 12, 35 settlements in Mykolaiv Oblast remain without electricity due to bad weather, affecting 2,400 customers.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

The russian military launched 47 strikes in 13 towns and villages of Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

There were 7 reports of the destruction of residential buildings. No civilians were injured.

In the Zaporizhzhia sector, the Defense Forces repelled 3 enemy attacks west of Verbove in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

Kherson Oblast

One person died and three were wounded in the shelling of Kherson Oblast yesterday. The russian army shelled Kherson Oblast 73 times, shelling residential areas.

Russian troops attacked Kherson, killing two people – a woman who was on the street and the driver of a car parked nearby.

The deputy head of the Kherson Regional Territorial Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine is suspected of aiding the russian occupiers. In October 2022, she ordered ambulance drivers and paramedics to take 11 children from the regional orphanage to the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea. After the de-occupation of Kherson, she moved to Lviv, where she registered as an IDP. She was chosen as a preventive measure of detention. She faces up to 12 years in prison.

Central Oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Half a dozen shells were directed by the russian military at Nikopol late in the evening of January 11. They hit the city twice with heavy artillery. There are no dead or injured.

Another 6,000 homes in 80 settlements of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast remain without electricity due to bad weather. Power engineers continue to eliminate accidents on lines and equipment.

Kirovohrad Oblast

The city community of Olexandria purchased 10 Mavic 3 and Mavic 3T drones for the needs of servicemen from Olexandria. This became possible thanks to the joint efforts of Olexandria residents and entrepreneurs of the city.

229 settlements are without power supply due to the fall of poles and broken power lines.

Poltava Oblast

In Poltava Oblast, military personnel and people who have become disabled as a result of the war are offered training for obtaining a new profession, expanding competence and new professional skills. Since the beginning of the experimental project in December, 61 people have already taken advantage of this opportunity.

Vinnytsia Oblast

More than 350 businesses have moved to the Vinnytsia community since the start of the full-scale russian invasion. These are mostly enterprises from Kyiv Oblast, Donetsk Oblast, Kharkiv Oblast, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, as well as from Kherson Oblast, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, and Luhansk Oblasts.

The Vinnytsia police have a special vehicle for the transportation of dog handlers and service dogs. It was donated by the US humanitarian fund. The car has air conditioning and four boxes for dogs. These animals specialize in the search for explosives and narcotics, missing persons and the dead.

Western Oblasts

Lviv Oblast

50,000 hryvnias will be allocated from the Lviv budget to each resident who decides to sign a contract with military units of the Airborne Assault Forces and the Marines. The mayor of Lviv called it additional motivation and support for future military personnel.

Khmelnytskyi Oblast

Two more power units will be built at the Khmelnytskyi NPP. They will be the first on the European continent with American reactors. After construction, Khmelnytskyi NPP will have six power units and will become one of the largest in Europe.

Bakota in Khmelnytskyi Oblast became a place for military rehabilitation. In order to regain their strength after hard service, they were invited to rest in the green estate “Traveller’s House” in Kamianets-Podilskyi raion. For several days, the veterans walked, underwent art therapy, and learned how to carve wood. The owners of the manor plan to hold similar rehabilitation camps on a permanent basis.

Seven communities of Khmelnytskyi Oblast will take part in the second stage of the project of therapeutic activities for children and their families in rural areas. The goal of the project is the integration of children from immigrant families into new communities.

Chernivtsi Oblast 

Professor Serhiy Melenko of Chernivtsi National University named after Yuriy Fedkovych, who is currently serving in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, received the honorary badge “Golden Cross” from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny.

In the Hlyboka community in Bukovyna, mobile social service workers take care of lonely elderly people and people with disabilities. The service employs a hairdresser, a repairman and a social worker. In order to travel to all the villages of the community, they received a minibus according to an international project.

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

Residents of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast are invited to the construction of fortifications in the Donetsk Oblast. People who agree to work are promised a salary and deferment from mobilization for military service.

Ternopil Oblast

A military man and a volunteer got married in Ternopil. Serhii Konoval is the company commander of the 67th separate mechanized brigade, Olga Danchenko is a volunteer who provides this company.

Zakarpattia Oblast

The Citizens’ Safety Center was opened in the Solotvyno Township Council. It started working back in 2021, but now mountain rescuers and divers units have been added to it. The project was implemented with the funds of a grant under the cross-border cooperation program with Romania.

Last modified: 14 Січня, 2024