Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine continues on the eight hundred and twenty-sixth day.



Kyiv Oblast

In Kyiv Oblast, explosive ordnance disposal experts defused unexploded ordnance: a 120 mm mortar shell was found in the central park area of Borodyanka, and a grenade launcher fragmentation in Irpin.

Chernihiv Oblast

On 27 May, russian troops shelled seven villages in three border communities of the Oblast. 50 explosions were recorded. The fire was conducted with mortars, tube artillery and FPV drones. Two people were wounded in two villages of the Semenivka community as a result of the shelling.

Sumy Oblast

8 communities in Sumy Oblast were under fire from the territory of the russian federation – 89 explosions were recorded.

14 mortar explosions were recorded overnight and in the morning in Sumy Oblast due to russian attacks. Three communities in Oblast were hit by the russian army. A house and a car were damaged.



Kharkiv Oblast

A 70-year-old man was wounded in a russian strike on Borova last night, houses in the village were damaged and the post office caught fire.

In Zemlianky, Chuhuyiv raion, two men were wounded by a russian drone strike yesterday, a woman was wounded in a strike on Martove, a woman was killed in a strike on Kharkiv, and 13 other people were wounded.

Yesterday, russian troops attacked Kharkiv with three UAVs: one bomb hit a road in the industrial zone, injuring people and killing a woman; the second bomb hit the roof of a building; the third bomb did not explode and fell about 200 metres from a church.

In the Kharkiv direction, the number of combat engagements since the beginning of the day has increased to four. Fighting continued in the vicinity of Lypky, where russians used seven multiple rocket launchers, and Starytsia. Russia also dropped four more UAVs on Neskuchne.

The intensity of russian occupants’ assault actions in the Kupyansk direction increased. Russia attacked the positions of the Ukrainian Defence Forces 12 times. Eight enemy attempts to advance were repelled by Ukrainian soldiers.

Today, the police have identified two people whose bodies were found on the “Epicenter” rubble using DNA tests. As of today, 17 people are known to have died, and the search is ongoing. The damage to the printing house is estimated at over €5 million.

As of the morning of 28 May, more than 11,199 residents have been evacuated, including 864 children and 260 people with limited mobility.

Marines from the 36th Brigade of the Mykolayiv-based company evacuated residents of frontline Vovchansk in Kharkiv Oblast. The soldiers brought out nine elderly people who had been hiding in a basement from russian KABs for 16 days.

Donetsk Oblast

Over the previous day, the russian army shelled nine localities in Donetsk Oblast.

In particular, the russian army shelled Lyman six times and dropped two bombs on Kostyantynivka.

Yesterday, the russian army killed one person in Donetsk Oblast. Three more residents were wounded in the shelling of Lyman and Verkhnekamianske.

Kramatorsk and Kramatorsk Raion

Yesterday, the russian army resumed active assaults in the Lyman sector. Ukrainian troops are repelling russian attacks despite the occupiers’ total superiority in ammunition and the number of soldiers.

Three people were wounded, including a child, as a result of russian shelling of the outskirts of Druzhkivka. The russian army probably hit a residential sector with a guided aerial bomb.

Luhansk Oblast

In the evening of May 27, explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied Luhansk. They were recorded in the area of infrastructure facilities of the former Luhansk Higher Military Aviation School of Navigators and the nearby aircraft repair plant.


Mykolaiv Oblast

On May 27 and in the morning of May 28, the russian army fired five times at the water area of the Ochakiv community. No one was killed or injured.

On May 27, the town of Snihurivka came under a rocket attack, where russian troops hit a car wash. Three people were killed and six injured. Two of the wounded are in intensive care in stable serious condition.

On the morning of May 28, russian drones attacked the town of Ochakiv. They hit a two-story building with an unused shop and a fitness center. A fire broke out at the site.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

The russian army conducted 303 attacks on eight towns and villages in Zaporizhzhia Oblast over a day, May 27.

More than 1100 square meters of land is contaminated with the waste of destruction as a result of the russian army’s missile strike on Zaporizhzhia airport.

Odesa Oblast

In Odesa in the evening, during the threat of using ballistic weapons, an explosion rang out. Consequences are clarified.

Khersonsk Oblast

Last day, the russian military shelled 10 settlements in the Kherson Oblast. An educational institution, a cellular tower, a water tower, and three private houses were damaged. Two people were injured.

In the Dnipro direction, the russian military stormed the positions of the Southern Defense Forces 20 times in the past day without result.

Two dozen modular houses were delivered to the Tyagine community in the Kherson Oblast. People who found themselves homeless due to russian shelling will live in them.


Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

A 32-year-old man was wounded as a result of shelling in Nikopol raion in the morning of May 28. He is hospitalized in a moderate condition.

At night, the russian troops shelled the communities of Nikopol, Marganetska and Chervonogrigorivska with heavy artillery and Grad anti-aircraft guns. A sports club, a private house, a car, and an outbuilding were damaged. Other consequences of the attacks are being clarified.

On the night of May 28, the military shot down a “shahed” in Novomoskovsk raion of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

“Shahed” in the Synelnyky raion of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast destroyed the air defense forces during the day. Consequences are clarified.

Cherkasy Oblast

This night in the sky over Cherkasy Oblast, air defense forces shot down an enemy drone “Shakhed”. It passed without casualties and destruction of infrastructure.

In Cherkasy Oblast, the air alert lasted for 6 hours in a row. During this time, air defense forces shot down two enemy UAVs within the region. People survived. In the Cherkasy raion, windows in a private house were damaged by the blast wave. Dry grass also caught fire.


Ternopil Oblast

Children from Ternopil joined the international action “Children’s palms for peace”. They left colored prints of their hands on the canvases. The scrolls with prints will be handed over to the city of Novoyavorivsk, in the Lviv Oblast, where they want to set a record on June 2.

Zakarpattia Oblast

Pupils of the Nove Davydkovo School of the Mukachevo Community collected more than 51,500 hryvnias and 5 euros for the support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the charity fair. The collected money will be used to purchase drones for defenders.

Last modified: 29 Травня, 2024