The five hundred and fifty-fourth day (554) of the large-scale armed aggression by the russian against our continues. 


Northern oblasts


Today, the Kyiv City Council awarded military personnel who defend Ukraine’s independence and freedom. In total, 30 defenders of Ukraine were awarded by the city of Kyiv.

In Kyiv, access to school shelters will be available around the clock for all people. But during the educational process, to accommodate all children, Kyiv residents will be offered to use other nearby shelters.

Kyiv Oblast

Three communities of the Kyiv Oblast – Irpin, Hostomel, and Kotsiubynske – are starting to cooperate. The relevant memorandum was signed yesterday by Serhiy Smal, Head of the Hostomel Village Military Administration, Serhiy Danish, Head of the Kotsiubynske Village Council, and Oleksandr Markushyn, Mayor of Irpin. The heads of the communities are already preparing a joint application for participation in international environmental projects on waste sorting, recycling, and installation of alternative energy sources in educational institutions.

As part of UNITED24, 16 apartment buildings damaged by russians are already being rebuilt in the Kyiv Oblast. A total of 18 houses in four communities will be restored. Before the war, more than 4,500 people lived here.

The Azerbaijani company SOCAR will finance the restoration of the roof and facade of the Irpin outpatient clinic. The facade and roof of the clinic were heavily damaged during the hostilities in the city. They plan to allocate 55 million hryvnias for this project.

Zhytomyr Oblast

80 engines for tanks and other pieces of military equipment, which were seized by law enforcement officers as part of criminal proceedings in Zhytomyr, were handed over to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Harvesting of early grain and legumes has been completed in the oblast. Agricultural results are higher than in previous years.

Chernihiv Oblast

On August 30, the russian army shelled four border communities in the Chernihiv Oblast: Horodnia, Snovsk, Novhorod-Siversk, and Semenivka.

About a dozen more unexploded mines were found on the forest road in the Chernihiv Oblast, where a car carrying a police officer and his family hit a mine on August 28.

Sumy Oblast

On August 30, the russian army carried out more than 200 strikes on the territory of the Sumy Oblast. In the Putyvl community, private houses and tractors were damaged, farm workers’ vehicles were damaged in the Krasnopillia community, and administrative buildings were damaged in the Seredyna-Buda community.

At night and in the morning of August 31, the russian army shelled the Shalyhyne community in the Sumy Oblast. 42 explosions were recorded.

In the Sumy Oblast, a 24-year-old russian soldier, who robbed a local couple at gunpoint during the occupation of the Okhtyrka community, was convicted in absentia. The man faces 11 years in prison. He has now been put on the wanted list.

Eastern oblasts

Kharkiv Oblast

Last night, around midnight, the enemy shelled the village of Vilkhivka, Kupiansk Raion, damaging an unused building and setting it on fire.

This morning, the enemy shelled the village of Borova, Izium Raion, a 48-year-old civilian man was wounded and hospitalized.

Over the past day, the enemy used tube and rocket artillery, mortars and other weapons to fire at the settlements of the Bohodukhiv, Izium, Chuhuiv, and Kupiansk raions of the oblast.

As a result of the shelling of the village of Osynove, Kupiansk Raion, a fire broke out at the solid waste landfill.

In the town of Kupiansk, shelling damaged a private household and caused a fire.

At least two private houses, outbuildings, four garages and a car were damaged and fires broke out in Vovchansk, Chuhuiv Raion, as a result of shelling from MLRS.

Power lines and a gas pipe were damaged as a result of a guided aerial bomb dropping on the village of Shyikivka, Izium Raion.

A house was damaged in the village of Zahryzove, Izium Raion, as a result of firing presumably cluster munitions from Uragan MLRS.

Mine clearance is underway. Over the last day, pyrotechnics of the State Emergency Service surveyed more than 8 hectares of territory and neutralized 59 explosive devices.

Donetsk Oblast

Russian occupiers damaged more than 40 residential buildings, a kindergarten and outbuildings over the past day. A total of 15 towns and villages in the Donetsk Oblast were under fire from the russian army.

On August 30, two people were killed and five other residents of the Donetsk Oblast were wounded in the shelling by the russian army.

Since the day of the full-scale war, the russians have killed 1,675 civilians of the Donetsk Oblast and wounded another 4,060 people. The number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha is currently unknown.

On August 29, six pilots from the 18th Detached Army Aviation Brigade named after Igor Sikorsky were killed. It happened in the Bakhmut sector during a combat mission.

Kramatorsk and Kramatorsk Raion

Yesterday, a house in Siversk was damaged by enemy shelling in the Lysychansk direction.

Around midnight, the russians shelled the Sloviansk community. One person was killed and the building of the enterprise was damaged in Myrne. The outskirts of the Druzhkivka community were also under fire. It passed without casualties.

Pokrovsk and Pokrovsk Raion

In the Donetsk direction, two people were injured in Zavitne of the Novohradivka community.

The outskirts of Kurakhove, Marinka and Ocheretyne communities came under fire.

Single shelling was heard in Avdiivka throughout the night. The Selydove community was hit by rockets without casualties.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut Raion

Ten houses were damaged in the Horlivka Raion of the Toretsk community: five in Pivnichne, three in Petrivka, and two in Shcherbynivka.

In the Chasiv Yar community, five high-rise buildings and five private houses were destroyed.

In the Soledar community, Fedorivka, Vasiukivka and Rozdolivka, as well as the outskirts of the Illinivka community, came under fire from the russian army.

Volnovakha and Volnovakha Raion

In the Volnovakha direction, the russians shelled two streets in Shakhtarske of the Velyka Novosilka community.


In the temporarily occupied city, teenagers wanted to tear down the flag of the aggressor state right next to the russian base. Now the russian special services are looking for Mariupol residents. The invaders have posted their photos on many propaganda channels and are asking locals to report “their whereabouts.”

Southern oblasts

Mykolaiv Oblast

As of 07:30 on the morning of August 31, no enemy shelling was recorded on the territory of the Mykolaiv Oblast.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

89 strikes were carried out by the russian army on the cities and villages of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast yesterday, August 30. In total, we are talking about almost 20 settlements, including those located on the line of fire.

A 31-year-old man was wounded as a result of artillery shelling by russian servicemen in Huliai Pole of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast. He was quickly taken to a medical institution.

Defense forces of Ukraine were successful in the Novodanylivka-Novoprokopivka direction of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Currently, the Ukrainian military is entrenched at the achieved borders.

The russian military conducted unsuccessful offensive actions in the area of ​​Verbove village of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

Odesa Oblast

The russian army has increased the number of missile carriers in the Black Sea. A frigate and another small missile ship were additionally put on combat duty. The total salvo of “Calibers” is up to 24.

Over the past month, about half a billion hryvnias were allocated to meet military needs by decisions of special sessions of the Odesa City Council. This is in addition to the funds that were allocated earlier.

At the request of the military, 15 laundry and bath complexes were manufactured. They can work both from the vehicle platform and on the ground. They are also autonomous: there are water tanks, boilers for heating, washing machines and dryers, and showers. The cost of one complex is about 700 thousand hryvnias.

The mayor of Odesa met with the head of the French-Ukrainian association “Marseille-Odesa” Natalia Dobrianska and the Ambassador of the city of Odesa in the French Republic Laurent Kermet. The parties discussed the needs of the city and further cooperation.

Of the more than 270,000 schoolchildren who will go to school on September 1 in Odesa, 6,800 are displaced children.

The campaign “September 1 without flowers” continues in Odesa. It was launched in 2014 and has not lost its relevance to this day. Instead of flowers, you can bring medicine, underwear and socks, coffee and tea, goodies for long-term storage and hygiene products.

Kherson Oblast

Over the past day, the russian army shelled the Kherson Oblast 85 times. It fired 346 projectiles from various types of weapons on its territory. There are no casualties or injuries.

On August 30, three out of ten fires in the Kherson Oblast were caused by shelling by the russian army. As a result of the attack, two houses and buildings caught fire in Vysuntsi. A house in Olhivka was also on fire, the roof of which was hit by a projectile. All fires were extinguished by rescuers.

During the occupation of the village of Biliaivka of the Beryslav Raion in the Kherson Oblast, the russian military illegally detained and tortured at least 20 Ukrainians for five months. Four of these people died: two in the torture chamber, two more after release. The execution room was located in the technical building of the local school. People were hardly fed, they staged an imitation of execution, threatened with execution, tortured with electric current.

The ex-assistant judge of the Kherson Region Court of Appeal will be tried for treason. The suspect provided the FSB with information about patriots, representatives of law enforcement and judicial bodies. He filmed a video of pro-Ukrainian rallies in Kherson for the curator. He faces life imprisonment.

Central Oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Two houses and a power line were damaged as a result of the shelling of the Velykomykhailivka community of the Synelnykove Raion on the night of August 31. There were no casualties or injuries. The consequences of the attack are being clarified.

300 modern tablets – such a gift was received by one of Nikopol’s lyceums. 720 children receive education there. Due to the shelling of the local territories, everyone is studying online. Gadgets were provided by benefactors from Austria. They will be distributed among students.

Kirovohrad Oblast

The Kirovohrad Oblast continues to rebuild the Kherson Oblast. Construction crews from four raions of the Kirovohrad Oblast are currently working in the sub-district of Mala Oleksandrivka. In 2 months of work, 75% of houses have been restored.

For the first time, the oblast military administration launched special nominations: “Honest work”, “Young entrepreneur”, “There is a job”, “Looking into the future”, “For stability and love for Ukraine”, “Good deed”. Awards were given to the best of the best who, in wartime conditions, kept their jobs, restored production in the Kirovohrad Oblast, started their own business, honestly paid taxes, volunteered and actively supported the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Poltava Oblast

Vitalii Koval, 21-year-old lieutenant of the National Guard of Ukraine, was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine. The president presented the award to the soldier’s mother and wife. He died in January of this year in Bakhmut.

Hleb Stryzhko, a marine from Poltava, entered the Forbes “30 under 30” list. During the defense of Mariupol, the young soldier was seriously wounded, suffered captivity, dozens of operations and learned to walk again. Today, he is a coordinator at the Veteran Hub in Kyiv: he organizes events and communicates with veteran communities.

Vinnytsia Oblast

A resident of the Trostianets community, in the Haisyn Oblast, who justified the russian armed aggression and engaged in anti-Ukrainian propaganda on social networks, will spend a year and a half behind bars.

15 generators with a capacity of 24 kW were transferred to Vinnytsia from the International Organization for Migration, which purchased them with the funds of donors. Generators will be installed in administrative service centers. This will make it possible to support the uninterrupted operation in the field during power outages.

In Vinnytsia, 15 internally displaced children from Mariupol took part in a free master class on making flower arrangements.

Western Oblasts

Rivne Oblast

In Rivne, on September 1, at Lyceum No. 8, parents and children are encouraged to donate money for strike drones for the Armed Forces of Ukraine instead of flowers. This idea was proposed by the schoolchildren themselves.

Volyn Oblast

The inspection of the bomb shelters in educational institutions in Lutsk and the Lutsk Raion has been completed, 90% of them meet the standards.

Lviv Oblast

Due to squalls and thunderstorms on August 30, there were new power outages in the Lviv Oblast. As of this morning, 21 power transmission lines have been de-energized in the oblast, leaving 59 settlements completely without power.

Khmelnytskyi Oblast

For half a year, the Khmelnytskyi Oblast Employment Center employed every third internally displaced person. Vacancies in trade, processing industry, catering, healthcare, education, and agriculture were in the greatest demand.

Chernivtsi Oblast

Mykola Rubanov, a resident of the village of Klishkivtsi, received the award of the President of Ukraine “For the Defense of the Country”. Major Ivan Splavnyk was awarded the Cross of Airborne Assault Troops.

A memorial plaque to senior police sergeant Serhii Babii was unveiled at the Zelenetskyi Lyceum of the Livyntsi Village Council. A law enforcement officer died during a missile attack in May 2022 in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast. He was posthumously awarded the Order “For Courage” III degree.

An inclusive ward, which provides assistance to patients who move with the help of crutches or wheelchairs, was created on the basis of the palliative department at the Chernivtsi Oblastl War Veterans Hospital. The premises were renovated and equipped with funds from European donors.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine allocated an additional UAH 8.6 million for the Chernivtsi Oblast to purchase housing for four military IDPs.

Another car was sent to the front by residents of the Kobolchyn headman county of the Sokyriany community. It was handed over to a fellow villager who performs a combat mission on the front line.

The “Soul of a Ukrainian” forum-theatre took place on the basis of the AUI “Active Community” in Chernivtsi. The goal is to highlight the stories of the participants, their reflection and self-expression. About 20 people from Chernivtsi, Kharkiv, Kherson, Donetsk, Dnipro, Sloviansk, Berdiansk, Skadovsk, Chornobaivka and Tokmak took part in the event.

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

Military personnel from Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast have created a 3D museum of the combat glory of the 10th separate mountain assault brigade “Edelweiss”. From now on, people can view the brigade’s main exhibits online and see an exhibition of trophies won by the military in battles.

In Lyceum No. 20 in Ivano-Frankivsk, bomb shelters were updated and another storage room was fully equipped for primary school students. The benches made of half a ton of recycled plastic were put there. The initiative was implemented by the management of the educational institution together with parents within the framework of the “Participation Budget” project.

Last modified: 1 Вересня, 2023