The five hundred and seventy-fifth day (575) of the large-scale armed aggression by the russian against our continues. 


Northern Oblasts


On the night of September 21, Kyiv survived another night attack by the russians. Windows in a 5-story building were damaged in the Holosiivsky district, in the part located in the center of the capital. There were no damages or injuries. In the Svyatoshyn district, where there were power outages, the power industry restored the power supply. According to medics, 7 people were injured in Darnytsia district. Three of them are in city hospitals. Four people received help on the spot, there were no injuries. In the Darnytskyi district, debris fell on the territory of an infrastructure facility, as well as on the territory of a service station and a dormitory of a professional technical education institution.

Kyiv Oblast

In the Kyiv Oblast, as a result of the attack by the russians, the fragments of downed enemy missiles were discovered. Three victims are known. The building of the vocational and technical educational institution was damaged. The fall of debris on the territory of the medical facility was recorded, without injuries or damage. In several communities, private houses and cars were damaged.

In the Vyshgorod raion, a VAZ 2101 car hit a mine. The driver, a man born in 1994, died as a result of the explosion.

Zhytomyr Oblast

Half a thousand rescuers from the entire region in Zhytomyr practice the tactics and strategy of extinguishing fires in closed and smoky rooms using the “Cobra” device. The conditions are as close as possible to real ones.

Chernihiv Oblast

During the day of September 20, the russians shelled the border of the Chernihiv Oblast eight times. Border guards recorded 44 explosions in the territories of Novgorod-Siversk, Semenivsk, Horodnyanka and Snovske communities.

Today, explosive devices were detonated near the village of Shestovytsia.

Sumy Oblast

On the night of September 21, the russian military shelled the Seredina-Buda community in the Sumy Oblast with artillery, and 2 explosions were recorded. Previously, there were no damages or injuries.

Air defense forces shot down 4 russian drones over Sumy Oblast during the day on September 20.

Eastern Oblasts

Kharkiv Oblast

This morning, the russians attacked the city of Kharkiv with 6 missiles, previously S-300. The production building of a civil enterprise in the Sloboda raion was damaged, the windows in the emergency medical aid department were damaged, and the road was hit. Site survey is ongoing. A 58-year-old man was injured and hospitalized. A 65-year-old man received minor injuries and did not require hospitalization.

At night, the enemy shelled the town of Kupyansk-Vuzlovy and the village of Kivsharivka, Kupyansk raion. A garage and an unused building were damaged, and there were fires.

Over the past day, the enemy has massively shelled settlements and civilian residents in the Kupyansk, Bogodukhiv, Chuguyiv, Kharkiv and Izyum raions.

In the village of Odnorobivka, Bogoduhiv raion, 3 apartment buildings and 1 private house, 5 farm buildings, 4 cars, and 2 garages were damaged.

Forest fires broke out in the villages of Simynivka and Verkhnya Pysarivka of Chuguyiv raion due to shelling.

A 65-year-old man was wounded by shrapnel in the village of Perovske, Bogoduhiv raion, as a result of mortar shelling.

Near the village of Kreidyanka, Izyum raion, a KRAZ truck hit an explosive object (previously, an anti-tank mine), the driver was not injured.

Demining works are ongoing. Over the past day, pyrotechnicians of the State Emergency Service inspected more than 4.7 hectares of territory and neutralized 82 explosive objects.

Donetsk Oblast

On September 20, the russians killed 5 residents of Donetsk Oblast.

Since February 24, 2022, the russians have taken the lives of 1,716 civilians of Donetsk Oblast and injured another 4,146 people. The number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha is currently unknown.

Kramatorsk and Kramatorsk raion

Siversk, as well as Torske, Zarichne and Yampil of the Liman community came under fire, without casualties or destruction.

In the newly renovated premises, the Registration Center for Homeless Persons and a night shelter in Kostyantynivka were opened. On March 24 of this year, the russian army hit the facility with rockets, destroying the building. Then three women died and two men were injured. 

Pokrovsk and Pokrovsk raion

The Kurakhove community came under fire twice in the evening and once in the morning. Also in the morning there was massive artillery shelling of Avdiyivka and shelling of the outskirts of Ocheretyn community- no information was received about the victims.

On the morning of September 21, at 09:30, the russian army shelled Rodynske in Donetsk Oblast, probably with anti-aircraft missiles. No one was injured, private houses, water supply and communal facilities of the city were damaged.

Also today, the russian military shelled Avdiyivka.

The documentary film of the German director and journalist “The White Angel — the end of Maryinka” will open the international film festival in Leipzig “DOK Leipzig film festival-2023”. The film tells about the evacuation of civilians from Maryinka and rescue operations. “White Angel” conducted them from spring to autumn 2022.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut raion

4 people died in the Toretsk community: 2 in Toretsk and 2 in the North; 3 houses in Nelipivka and 2 in Zalizny were damaged. Rozdolivka and Vasyukivka are under fire in the Soledar community. Pleshchiivka and Rusyn Yar were affected in the Illinivska community. In the Chasiv Yar community, 2 houses and an infrastructure object were damaged.

Volnovakha and Volnovakha raion

In the Volnovakha direction, 1 person died in Vugledar — the city was hit by 4 airstrikes and 28 shellings. The russians shelled Novoukrayinka with artillery twice. In the morning, the Vilne Pole of the Komar community came under fire, and the Harvest Field of the Velyka Novosilka community was hit by an airstrike without casualties.

This morning, the russian military shelled the outskirts of the Ocheretyne community, the Vilne Pole of the Komar community. An airstrike was carried out on Urozhayne of the Velyka Novosilka community. There are no casualties or injuries. 

Luhansk Oblast

Nadiya, Nevske and Bilogorivka were hit by enemy airstrikes yesterday. In Nevske, two FAB-500 aerial bombs exploded on the territory of peasants’ households, two more on the outskirts. The russians also opened fire on the settlement from artillery. 25 shell bursts were recorded. One of the houses was damaged.

Southern Oblasts

Mykolayiv Oblast

Yesterday, September 20, shelling of the water area of ​​the Ochakiv community was recorded. There are no casualties.

The enemy also attacked the town of Ochakiv, Ochakiv community. As a result, residential buildings and cars were damaged. A fire broke out in an open area, which was promptly extinguished. There are no casualties.

In Mykolayiv, Pervomaisk, Voznesensk and Bashtanka raions, the day and night passed relatively calmly.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

The russian army made 87 strikes on the cities and villages of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast yesterday, September 20. 6 airstrikes were recorded in Orikhiv and Preobrazhenka. 8 settlements survived 68 artillery attacks. In Preobrazhenka, as a result of an airstrike on the community, three residents were injured. 

Five fires broke out in the Pology and Vasylivka raions as a result of russian shelling: residential buildings burned in Orikhiv and Gulyaipole.

The military of the russian federation threatens the Ukrainian workers of the Zaporizhzhia NPP with physical torture, in particular, with the removal of a kidney, if they refuse to cooperate with rosatom.

Odesa Oblast

It is planned to allocate 102 million hryvnias from the Odesa city budget for drones and monoculars for the military. This issue will be considered at the next session.

Kherson Oblast

Destroyed houses, mutilated windows and doors, broken glass – one of the streets of Kherson was shelled by the russian military tonight. Currently, people are dismantling rubble, blocking windows. Communal workers clean up the consequences of shelling on the street. Currently, we know of three dead and five wounded as a result of morning shelling in Kherson. 

Seven fires broke out in Kherson at night due to russian shelling. Residential and multi-apartment buildings, cars and a shopping row in one of the city’s markets were on fire. Rescuers extinguished all fires.

This afternoon, the russian army shelled the village of Lvove in the Kherson Oblast. A woman died. Information about the destruction and victims is being clarified.

In the Kherson Oblast, the SSU detained a mother and daughter who helped the russian occupiers organize and hold a pseudo-referendum in one of the villages of the Beryslav raion, and then falsify its results. After the liberation of the village, the women remain2ed in the territory of the raion, but they were exposed. The suspects are currently in custody. They face up to 10 years in prison.

Central Oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Three people were injured due to the shelling of Nikopol in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast on the night of September 21. A 75-year-old man and his wife were hospitalized. Together with them, their three-month-old son was taken to the hospital. The child is not injured. Artillery also hit the Myrove community. In total, 11 private houses and five commercial structures were damaged by shelling, one was completely destroyed. 10 beehives, cars, gas pipelines and power lines were also affected. 

Volunteers from the Dnipro repair damaged houses in the Nikopol raion after russian shelling. 10 houses were restored: broken windows, doors and roofs were replaced. Priority is given to elderly people, large families and military families.

A working meeting was held in Dnipro with the participation of heads of utility companies, representatives of local authorities and Minister of Energy Herman Galushchenko. Officials discussed ways to restore and protect energy facilities, as well as preparation for the heating season.

Kirovohrad Oblast

In Kropyvnytskyi there is a city center for preventing and countering violence. It includes mobile teams, a “helpline”, a day center with a crisis room and a shelter. They provide social and psychological assistance there.

Houses continue to be restored in Mala Oleksandrivka in the Kherson Oblast. Repair crews handed over 48 houses to their owners. Another 8 are in the works. The next step is preparation for the overhaul of the Mala Oleksandrivka cultural center, improvement of the territory, and the arrangement of a public transport stop.

Volunteers from Kirovohrad Oblast are resuming work on creating small pots and mobile turbo stoves. “Krop:hub Kropyvnytskyi” calls on all those willing to participate in the collection of necessary materials. The campaign “Warm the defender” has been renewed in connection with the approaching cold weather and the need to transfer stoves to the front to heat the dugouts.

Poltava Oblast

Specialists from Poltava Oblast inspected 100% of damaged objects in four settlements – Bruskynske, Tverdomedove, Bezvodne and the village of Ishchenko in Kherson Oblast. They drew up 138 defective acts. Kirovohrad specialists also continue to repair houses in Pravdyne and Chkalove. 40 households have already been restored. In total, works are ongoing in 96 residential objects.

The helicopter of an oligarch from Poltava Oblast was handed over to the Armed Forces. Now the arrested helicopter of Konstantyn Zhevago will serve Ukraine. He used it for personal purposes before fleeing abroad. He is currently suspected of embezzling 113 million hryvnias.

In Poltava, an exhibition of photographs taken by soldiers of the Territorial Defense was opened. The “Way of War” photo project included 20 photos taken by soldiers of territorial defense brigades of all directions. The photo was selected by Poltava military serviceman Vitaly Zapeka, in total more than 100 photos were prepared. The exhibition takes place in the Holy Assumption Cathedral and will last until September 22.

Cherkasy Oblast

This morning the enemy attacked Cherkasy Oblast. Air defense forces shot down a total of four russian missiles over the territory of the region. Missile fragments, including its warhead, fell in the center of the city, damaging a hotel building. A fire also broke out in the trade pavilions at the nearby market. According to preliminary data, 11 people were wounded in the attack, two of them in serious condition.

Vinnytsia Oblast

In Vinnytsia, 19 veteran assistants have successfully completed their training. 16 of them are from Vinnytsia Oblast. The specialists have received the relevant certificates and will start counseling defenders and their families next month. “Veteran’s Assistant” is a pilot project of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs. The main task of such specialists is to help military personnel adapt to civilian life.

Energy bars for Ukrainian defenders are made by students and teachers of Lyceum #2 in Lypovets, Vinnytsia Oblast. They work after school hours or on weekends. They bake up to 30 kilograms of goodies at a time.

Western Oblasts

Rivne Oblast

In Rivne Oblast, a russian missile attack hit the energy and civilian infrastructure of the regional center. A service station and five cars on its territory were damaged. There were no casualties. After the morning attack, the power supply was restored to 90 settlements, 49,000 consumers.

More than 30 apartments were damaged as a result of the missile attack on Rivne. After the crews have assessed the damage on the spot, the glass in the private homes will be replaced at the expense of the local budget.

Lviv Oblast

Russian troops launched three missile strikes on Drohobych in Lviv Oblast. They hit an industrial facility twice. A workshop caught fire and a warehouse building was destroyed. The fire was extinguished. Another missile strike hit a private two-story warehouse. A fire also broke out there. There is currently no information on injuries.

Khmelnytskyi Oblast

As a result of the morning russian attack, no hits were recorded on the region’s facilities. However, a rocket fragment fell in one of the villages in the region and damaged the summer kitchen and a car window. There were no casualties.

Explosions were heard in Starokonstantynivka community today. Explosives were being destroyed there.


14 Kamianets-Podilskyi Heroes were awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Kamianets-Podilskyi.

During a regular meeting of the executive committee, it was decided to install the Book of Heroes and the Memory Bell in the Heroes’ Park. In addition, 25 children were granted the status of victims of hostilities. The Regulations on burials on the Memorial Alley of Glory were approved.

Student youth from Kamianets-Podilskyi attended a two-day training on Business Projects and Grant Projects – from Idea to Implementation. Almost 30 people got acquainted with the basic rules for writing a grant project; learned about the “highlights” of grant applications; learned to collectively budget a possible project.

Chernivtsi Oblast

For heroism in the defense of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Defender Ivan Ostashchuk from the village of Rudka in the Verenchanska community was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage, III class.

Since the beginning of 2023, 65 employers in the Chernivtsi Oblast have taken advantage of the opportunity to receive compensation for the employment of 189 internally displaced persons. The total compensation amounted to over UAH 2.4 million.

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

ln September 21, an air defense system was triggered by a russian missile attack in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast.

In Ivano-Frankivsk, a memorial plaque to Dmytro Kotsyubailo, commander of the “Da Vinci Wolves” special forces unit and Hero of Ukraine, was unveiled on the facade of the professional construction lyceum.

Free Ukrainian language courses will start in Ivano-Frankivsk on October 1. In addition to face-to-face classes, the training is also planned to be conducted online.

Zakarpattia Oblast

In case of emergency power outages, hospitals in Zakarpattia Oblast have about 160 generators. Medical facilities continue to receive critical equipment for uninterrupted power supply.

About 100 children and their teachers came to the village of Kolchino, Mukachevo Raion, to attend classes with the military. There they were trained in tactical medicine, mine safety, and the use of drones.

Last modified: 22 Вересня, 2023