The five hundred and twenty-first day (521) of the large-scale armed aggression by the russian against our continues.


Northern Oblasts


Today in Kyiv, on Maidan Nezalezhnosti, the memory of defenders killed in Olenivka was commemorated. On this day a year ago, the occupiers blew up one of the colony’s barracks, where they had previously moved captured Ukrainian soldiers, mostly from the ranks of the “Azov” regiment.

Relatives of the victims want the official establishment of the Day of Mourning for those killed as a result of the russian terrorist attack.

Zhytomyr Oblast

In the Zhytomyr Oblast, in the city of Zviahel, an exhibition of Lesia Ukrainka’s photos was opened as part of the international festival of literature and arts “Lesia’s Sources”. An exhibition of ancient carpets was also presented in the museum of the Kosachi-Drahomanovy family. The city also conducts an excursion “Lesia. Life in Zviahel”.

Chernihiv Oblast

On July 28, russian troops shelled two border communities of the Chernihiv Oblast: the Semenivka and Novhorod-Siverskyi communities. Border guards recorded the following explosions: hits, probably from unguided air missiles launched from russian territory by an enemy helicopter, and hits, probably from an automatic grenade launcher.

On July 29, russian troops continued shelling the border communities of the Chernihiv Oblast. The same communities came under fire.

Sumy Oblast

During the day of July 28, 85 explosions were recorded in 10 settlements of the Sumy Oblast as a result of russian shelling.

On the night and morning of July 29, russian soldiers shelled the border areas of the Sumy Oblast five times. 15 explosions were recorded. Settlements of the Bilopillia, Khotin, Yunakivka and Seredyno-Buda communities came under fire.

Eastern Oblasts

Kharkiv Oblast

During the past day, the enemy fired artillery, mortars and combat aircraft at the settlements of the Kharkiv, Bohodukhiv, Chuhuiv, Izium and Kupiansk raions.

In particular, Ivashki, Hur’iv Kozachok, Udy, Strilecha, Zelene, Okhrymivka, Kolodiazne, Dvorichna, Zapadne and other settlements were under fire.

The enemy launched an airstrike near Druzheliubivka in the Izium Raion.

No casualties among the civilian population were recorded during the day.

Demining continues. During the past day, pyrotechnicians of the State Emergency Service inspected more than 6 hectares of territory and neutralized 86 explosive objects.

Donetsk Oblast

Over the past day, 7 cities and villages of the Donetsk Oblast came under the fire of the russian army.

On July 28, the russians wounded 1 resident of the Donetsk Oblast – in Kurakhove.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the russians have killed 1,636 civilians of the Donetsk Oblast, and wounded another 3,909 people. The number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha is currently unknown.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi visited the Bakhmut direction. He visited Chasovyi Yar, Kramatorsk, Sloviansk, Druzhkivka, Kostiantynivka, where he awarded the soldiers of the Special Operations Forces.

Pokrovsk and Pokrovsk Raion

In the Donetsk direction, 1 person was injured and 2 houses were damaged in Kurakhove. In Avdiivka, the residential sector and the territory of the coke-chemical plant came under fire. In the Ocheretyne community, the russians shelled the outskirts of Umansky.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut Oblast

In the Horlivka direction, yesterday the russian military shelled the Chasovyi Yar community. A high-rise building and a private house were damaged.

Volnovakha and Volnovakha Raion

In the Volnovakha sector, the Velykonovosilka community is under fire: Velyka Novosilka, Blahodatne, and Staromayorske.

Southern Oblasts

Mykolaiv Oblast

Yesterday, on July 28, the enemy fired artillery at the settlement of the Kutsurub community. A hit was recorded in the open area. There were no casualties.

In the morning, on July 29, enemy artillery shelling was recorded in the waters of the Ochakiv community. There were no casualties.

The day and night were relatively calm in Mykolaiv, Pervomaisk, Voznesensk, and Bashtanka Raions.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Over the past day, on July 28, the russian army fired 46 times at the settlements of Zaporizhzhia Oblast. 13 settlements came under fire.

Forced passportization of Ukrainian citizens continues in the temporarily occupied territories. For example, the occupation administration of Blahovishchenka, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, offers pensioners a cash reward of 50 thousand russian rubles for obtaining russian citizenship.

Odesa Oblast

Defense forces have taken measures to protect port infrastructure and ensure maximum air defense capabilities.

A UNESCO mission has arrived in Odesa to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the damage caused to cultural and religious sites by missile strikes.

Greece plans to take part in the restoration of two architectural monuments – the Papudova House and the Rodokanaki House – that were damaged during the russian missile attack, the Consul General of the Hellenic Republic in Odesa said. He also noted that their country condemns the attacks on the historic center of the city.

Kherson Oblast

On July 28, the russian army fired 29 times at Kherson Oblast. They fired 11 shells at Kherson. Houses and a grain terminal in Beryslav Raion were damaged. Four people were wounded.

Damage was recorded in Sadove, Kherson, Zelenivka, and Molodizhne as a result of shelling. Over the past day, the russian army fired 13 times at the territory of the Kherson community. No one was killed or wounded.

This morning the russian army attacked the village of Vesele in Kherson Oblast. They hit the houses. A 69-year-old woman was wounded and hospitalized.

Since the beginning of the work in the de-occupied Kherson Oblast, the State Emergency Service’s pyrotechnics have defused 30678 explosive devices. Almost 3,000 hectares, 350 kilometers of roads, 60 kilometers of railroad tracks, and almost 2,000 houses have been inspected.

Over the past week, 18 facilities have been rebuilt in Kherson Oblast communities as part of the “Side by Side” program and work has begun on 83 more. The work was also completed in 168 homes of Kherson Oblast residents. In total, 328 builders from 16 regions of Ukraine are working in Kherson Oblast.

Central Oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

In the evening of July 28, russian troops fired two Iskander ballistic missiles. They hit high-rise buildings and administrative buildings in Dnipro. About 15 apartments were destroyed. Windows were smashed in 60% of the apartments in a section of the residential complex. Seven cars were damaged. One of the buildings of the complex was destroyed from the 9th to the 13th floor.

There are 9 known injured, including two teenagers. The victims have concussions and lacerations, their condition is satisfactory. At the scene, law enforcement officers set up a point for receiving statements from the victims.

At night on July 29, the russian army attacked Nikopol Raion of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. It hit Nikopol itself and the Marganets community. The consequences are being investigated. No one was killed or injured.

Kirovohrad Oblast

Volunteers from Great Britain brought three more cars to Kropyvnytskyi for the military at the front. Roger Lord, John McKenna and Patrick McIntyre are volunteers who cooperate with volunteer organizations and military units in Ukraine.

Rescuers held a meeting of the Safety Club at the Kirovohrad Oblast Center for Children’s and Youth Creativity. Children playfully repeated the rules of fire safety at home and in public places. They recalled the rules of behavior during the «Air Alarm» signal, how to deal with unknown suspicious objects.

Cherkasy Oblast

Shells from the «Grad» and the remains of ammunition were discovered by divers-sappers from Cherkasy during the survey of reservoirs in the Uman raion. Demining of territories there is currently underway. Pyrotechnics have already destroyed 38,000 explosive objects.

As of July 28, in Cherkasy Oblast, the availability of shelters in educational institutions exceeds 83% of the planned number. Active doings continue.

Western Oblasts

Lviv Oblast

In Lviv, 12 historical tombstones are being restored at the Lychakiv cemetery. They are cleaned, strengthened, restored and preserved. Works are performed by Ukrainian and Polish restorers within the framework of the «Common Heritage» project. They are financed by the Polish Ministry of Culture.

Khmelnytskyi Oblast

Cynologists of the National Border Service Academy returned after five months of training in Spain. They brought with them two service dogs, donated by foreign colleagues. Now they will implement a new training method.

Khmelnytskyi blogger Andriy Popyk collected one million 100 thousand hryvnias for 12 hours of streaming on his birthday for the purchase of one hundred kamikaze drones. The blogger has already transferred the funds to the account of the Podillia Volunteers Charitable Fund.

Chernivtsi Oblast

Sergey Gakman of Bukovyna was awarded the «Defender of the Fatherland» medal. A soldier from Sokyriany, Vera Anatiy, was posthumously awarded the Order «For Courage» of the 3rd degree.

At the next session, the Chernivtsi City Council allocated 15.3 million hryvnias to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and adopted a moratorium on the public use of russian-language cultural products in the city.

The Association of International Car Carriers of the Chernivtsi Oblast handed over 20 cars to the defenders. The newly created infantry battalion, which is being formed in Bukovyna, will receive the transport.

Maksym Korovin, an entrepreneur from Chernivtsi, has been engaged in leather goods since 2017. After a full-scale invasion, he began to manufacture military ammunition: weapon belts, summaries, belt-shoulder systems, cartridge cases, etc. This year, the entrepreneur took advantage of the government program of the «eRobota» project – «Own business» and received a grant for the production of ammunition.

Bukovyna continues to restore the Kherson Oblast: trucks with wood, corrugated board for roofing, and various construction materials were sent to the village of Zarichne of the Daryivka community.

The team of «Active Community of Chernivtsi» organized a fair of volunteer initiatives in the capital of Bukovyna. Its purpose is to create a platform for exchanging experiences and ideas, establishing networking. The event attracted the attention of more than 20 participants, including 9 guests of the city, and more than 10 initiatives were presented at it.

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi posthumously awarded the “Defender of the Fatherland” medal to the senior sergeant from Kalush community in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Maksym Lazoryshyn.

More than a hundred years ago, in the village of Brustury of the Kosmach community, in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, they started making cheese cones. Local residents suggest adding this product to the list of intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine. On this occasion, an art conference was held in the village, where unique products were presented.

Ternopil Oblast

In Ternopil Oblast, families of servicemen received seven certificates for the purchase of housing. Funds for this were allocated from the state budget.

On the occasion of the Day of Ukrainian Statehood, a bicycle race was held in the Vyshnivets community, during which the participants got acquainted with various historical epochs of the creation of Ukrainian statehood. They drove 15 kilometers through the community.

Last modified: 30 Липня, 2023