The six hundred and thirtieths day (630) of the large-scale armed aggression of the russians against ours continues.


Northern Oblasts


In the capital, Podilskyi district presented a street photo exhibition “Wripped from the face of the earth” about the most destroyed cities during the russian invasion. The exposition will tell about settlements such as Popasna, Maryinka, Soledar and Bakhmut.

Kyiv Oblast

Construction of private houses from scratch on the site of destroyed ones continues in Kyiv Oblast. Active works are taking place at 83 facilities in 15 communities of the capital region. About 90 families will be able to return to their homes: families with many children, elderly people, families of defenders, participants in hostilities.

On Donor Day, 37 liters of blood were collected for the military in Vorzel. Today you can donate blood in Irpen.

Zhytomyr Oblast

In Zvyahel, in the premises of the former blood transfusion station, a dormitory with an improved layout for displaced persons is being built. There will be 47 smart apartments equipped with plumbing, furniture and household appliances.

Chernihiv Oblast

During the day, russian troops shelled the Novgorod-Siverskyi and Semenivkaborder communities of Chernihiv Oblast. A woman was injured as a result of the shelling.

As a result of shelling by the russians on the border of Chernihiv Oblast in the Novgorod-Siverskyi community, a volunteer from Sumy Oblast was injured. She was carrying humanitarian food aid. There is no threat to her life.

Sumy Oblast

During November 15, the russian army shelled 4 communities of Sumy Oblast. 46 explosions were recorded. Krasnopillya, Khotyn, Yunakive, and Seredina-Buda communities came under fire.

Eastern Oblasts

Kharkiv Oblast

At least 10 settlements in the Kharkiv Oblast came under fire from the russia last day. A 74-year-old man was injured as a result of russian shelling of Dvorichna in the Kharkiv Oblast and was hospitalized.

Around midnight, the russia struck Chuguyiv, previously, with S-300. The building of the educational institution and a private residential building were damaged. Previously, no injuries.

A fire broke out in Krugliakivka, Kupyansk raion, as a result of shelling. A private house was on fire, no one was injured.

Pyrotechnicians neutralized 81 explosive objects.

272 children were evacuated from Kupyansk raion, 22 more children remained to be taken out.

In the Kupyansk direction, the russians carried out assaults in the areas of Synkivka, Petropavlivka, and Ivanivka, where the Defense Forces repelled seven attacks.

Energy workers revived the villages of Donetsk and Snizhkivka of the Izyum raion, which had been without electricity since the beginning of the invasion of the russian federation.

Donetsk Oblast

On November 15, the russians killed 2 residents of Donetsk Oblast.

Since February 24, 2022, russian weapons have killed 1,773 civilians in Donetsk Oblast, and another 4,309 people have been injured. The number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha is currently unknown.

The defense forces repelled about 6 russian attacks in the Bakhmut direction, 18 attacks in the Avdiyivka, 6 in the Shakhtarske, and 22 attacks in the Maryinka direction on November 15.

Pokrovsk and Pokrovsk raion

The number of victims from the attack on Selidovo increased to 4 people. Today, during the search operation, the rescuers retrieved the bodies of two more dead people from under the rubble. Other people may be under the ruins of the house. Rescuers dismantled 74 tons of destroyed building structures.

Over the past day, about 30 mass shellings and 12 aerial bombardments were recorded on the territory of the Avdiyivka community.

1,431 residents remain in Avdiyivka as of November 16. Evacuation is planned for the next few days, there is a flow of people due to constant shelling and airstrikes by the russian army.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut raion

The enemy carried out assaults in the vicinity of Klishchiivka and Andriyivka. Ukrainian defenders repelled attacks in that area. The defense forces of Ukraine, in turn, continue their assault south of Bakhmut, inflict losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment, and consolidate their new positions.

Volnovakha and Volnovakha raion

The russian army dropped two FAB-guided aerial bombs on Epiphany on November 15. Three private houses and a medical facility were damaged.

Luhansk Oblast

During the day, the russians fired more than 500 projectiles at the Ukrainian military and de-occupied settlements of the Luhansk Oblast.

Most of the population has already been evacuated. But another 65 civilians remain. The Ukrainian military provides them with food and things that will help them survive the winter.

Access roads to liberated settlements are becoming more complicated. This is due to both weather conditions and the enemy’s attempts to disrupt logistics.

Brigades of the russian army from the east of russia are stationed in the Svatovo direction. Some of them have brought their families with them and are trying to settle there.

Southern Oblasts 

Mykolayiv Oblast

On November 15, russian troops fired artillery at the water area of the Ochakiv community, and on the night of November 16, they shelled the coastline of the Kutsurub community. There are no injuries or deaths.

On the night of November 16, the forces and means of air defense destroyed the Shahed 131/136 type attack drone in the Mykolayiv Oblast.

In Berezneguvate, the polyclinic that was shelled by the russian military in the summer of 2022 is being restored: destroyed medical equipment, dentistry, clinical laboratory, administrative building. More than 16,000 residents of the community receive treatment services here.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Yesterday, russian military personnel struck 141 strikes on 25 settlements in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast. A 67-year-old local resident was injured as a result of artillery shelling in Novoandriyivka – he was taken to a medical institution. Currently, there are seven people injured as a result of a missile strike on the Komyshuvaha community – four wounded civilians and three employees of the State Emergency Service. Two rescuers died.

63 reports were received about the destruction of residential buildings, farm buildings and infrastructure facilities.

In the Zaporizhzhia direction, the russian military conducted unsuccessful assaults near Novodarivka.

The incompetent actions of the occupiers led to a partial blackout at the temporarily captured Zaporizhzhia NPP, which occurred on November 14, 2023. Yes, there was a blackout at the sixth power unit.

In the temporarily occupied territory of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast, the russians force employers to report to the migration department all employed people who are not citizens of the russian federation. In case of refusal, they threaten fines of up to 800,000 rubles and charge a higher tax for such employees.

Odesa Oblast 

A British delegation led by the newly appointed Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth of Nations and Development of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, David Cameron, arrived in Odesa. He got acquainted with the consequences of russian terrorism in the port civil infrastructure and architectural monuments of Odesa.

An electronic poll on renaming 14 toponymic objects has started in Odesa. It will be held on the web portal of the City Council “Socially active citizen”.

Kherson Oblast

Russian troops shelled the Kherson Oblast 94 times during the day. They beat residential neighborhoods. A damaged educational institution in the Kherson raion. One person is injured.

A 67-year-old man died as a result of morning shelling in Kherson. An enemy shell hit a private house. It also became known about the injured 54-year-old woman. She was hospitalized with an explosive injury and a shrapnel wound to her forehead and thigh.

Public transport in Kherson came under fire from russian troops. The bus has broken windows. There is no information about the dead and wounded.

The russian army struck Bilozerka in the Kherson Oblast. Previously, one person died, two more were injured. Residential buildings and a grocery store were damaged. Object of critical infrastructure was destroyed. As a result, Bilozerka and surrounding villages are currently without electricity.

Central Oblasts

 Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Three times during the night, russian troops shelled the Nikopol raion of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. They hit the raion center, Myrove and Marganets communities. A dozen heavy artillery shells were fired. There are no casualties or injuries. The consequences of the shelling are being clarified.

In Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, an employee of a strategic enterprise was exposed, who was transmitting information about the location of the Ukrainian army. She secretly filmed the movement of equipment and soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on her phone and sent it to the representative of the russian federation via messenger.

The women chose a preventive measure in the form of detention without determining the amount of bail.

Kirovohrad Oblast

In Kropyvnytskyi, blood is collected for the military and those injured in accidents. Actions are organized for the Road Safety Week.

In Kropyvnytskyi, they organized a charity candy-making workshop, during which money was collected for a thermal imager for soldiers of the 121st Territorial Defense Brigade. The event was held in the Kropyvnytskyi rehabilitation center for children with disabilities.

Cherkasy Oblast 

The memory of all the fallen soldiers of the Monastyryshche community is immortalized in the documentary and fiction publication Almanac of Monastyryshche Heroes. The publication is based on documents, memoirs, and publications in various media. It contains QR codes with links to videos about each Hero of the community. The almanac was created by students-members of the Monastyryshchyna High School League together with their mentors.

Poltava Oblast

The night before, the Ukrainian military destroyed an X-59 guided missile in the Poltava Oblast.

This year, 198 war veterans and their families have benefited from free social rehabilitation in Poltava Oblast sanatoriums. This initiative is being implemented in the region as part of the Comprehensive Program for Rehabilitation, Integration and Social Protection of Defenders of Ukraine and Family Members of the Fallen. UAH 1.9 million has already been allocated from the regional budget for the rehabilitation.  

The regional authorities, together with socially responsible businesses and charitable organizations, handed over 10 brand new pickup trucks to defenders from Poltava Oblast.   

As part of the national project “Side by Side,” Poltava Oblast takes care of the villages of Chkalove and Pravdyne in Kherson Oblast. To date, repairs have been completed in 17 more homes, home to 53 people. In total, 89 households have been rebuilt in the two villages since the start of the work.

Vinnytsia Oblast

“Polish shelves” continue to be installed in Vinnytsia libraries. As part of the project, 11 branches received books by Polish authors in Ukrainian. The set of 20 new books includes works by classics and contemporary writers. 

Western Oblasts

Rivne Oblast 

In Rivne oblast, the number of people looking for work through the employment center has almost tripled. There is a shortage of workers in blue-collar occupations. 

A space for psychological, humanitarian, and financial assistance for pregnant women and women with children was opened in Rivne. 

A cooking class was held for displaced children at the I Am Mariupol support center. 

Lviv Oblast

Linguist Iryna Farion was dismissed from her position as a professor at Lviv Polytechnic University. As a reminder, this demand was made by students of the university, and she is accused of violating the equality of citizens and insulting the honor and dignity of military personnel. 

Khmelnytskyi Oblast

Air defense system was operating in Khmelnytskyi Oblast. One of the air targets was shot down over Khmelnytskyi Oblast, and the wreckage fell on a food warehouse and a truck. The driver of the truck received minor injuries.

Chernivtsi Oblast 

The necessary equipment was purchased for Bukovyna rescuers at the expense of the regional budget. The regional authorities are also working with international grant projects to provide a special-purpose rescue unit and state fire and rescue units.   

Chernivtsi Oblast handed over almost 30 tons of humanitarian aid to residents of the Yakymivka and Bereznehuvate communities. The trucks with flour, cereals, and canned food went to Zaporizhzhia and Mykolaiv Oblasts. This is where the residents of these communities now live, as their homes are still under occupation.

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

Military personnel from the Ivano-Frankivsk community will receive an increase in their allowance for equipment. From January 1, 2024, the soldiers will be able to receive UAH 50 thousand from the city budget.

Ternopil Oblast

A memorial plaque to soldier Oleksandr Lanh was unveiled in the Zalishchytsia community in Ternopil Oblast. In 2015-2016, he was a participant of the Anti-Terrorist Operation and took part in the battles for Donetsk region. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he again volunteered to defend his native Ukraine. The soldier died in December 2022.

Zakarpattia Oblast

A memorial to the soldiers who laid down their lives for the freedom, independence , and integrity of Ukraine was unveiled in Chop. The opening of the memorial was attended by families and relatives of the fallen community heroes, military personnel, and citizens.  

In Zakarpattia, a resident of Luhansk Oblast, who voluntarily cooperated with the russian federation in the temporarily occupied territory of the region, was sentenced to eight years in prison. The woman held the position of head of the education department in the “administration of the Troitsky Raion of the luhansk people’s republic”.

Last modified: 18 Листопада, 2023