The six hundred and eighty-sixth day (696) of the large-scale armed aggression of the russians against ours continues.


Northern oblasts 


The organizer of the fake referendum in the Luhansk Oblast, who came to Kyiv for social security payments, received a prison term. She tried to apply for financial assistance as an internally displaced person from the temporarily captured part of eastern Ukraine. Employees of the Ukrainian special service detained the perpetrator. Taking into account her cooperation with the investigation, the court sentenced her to 5 and a half years in prison with confiscation of property.

Ukrenergo urges Kyiv residents to consume electricity sparingly. Due to a sharp drop in temperature, another record load on the power grid was recorded.

Kyiv Oblast

Today, in the Buchansk raion, units of the State Emergency Service destroyed explosive objects. Residents of the Oblast heard the sounds of explosions.

10 families of displaced persons received temporary housing in the Kyiv Oblast. Among the new settlers are five families of police officers from Kherson Oblast, Donetsk Oblast and Luhansk Oblast, who lost their homes due to the war. Ready-made apartments with furniture are provided to migrants for free use for 3-5 years.

Kyiv Oblast is among the TOP-5 regions in terms of citizens’ participation in the “Recovery Army” project. Within its limits, 8,400 residents of the Kyiv Oblast participated in socially useful works. The works were organized in 42 communities of the Oblast.

A historical and local history museum was opened in Irpen, which was damaged in February-March 2022. A separate hall was set aside for new exhibits — evidence of the russian invasion. Visitors, in particular, can familiarize themselves with the exposition with the help of VR glasses.

Zhytomyr Oblast

In the course of demining the territories of explosive devices of the State Emergency Service in the Zhytomyr Oblast last year, they destroyed or handed over to the Armed Forces almost 6,000 different types of ammunition. Artillery shells are the most common among the discovered items.

In Zhytomyr Oblast, fraudsters on behalf of the head of the administration extort money under the guise of supporting the Armed Forces. One of the local firms transferred half a hundred thousand hryvnias to the fraudsters.

In 2024, the mobile brigades of the Zhytomyr Oblast Blood Center continued the practice of weekly visits to various communities of the oblast. In this way, they try to activate the collection of blood components.

Chernihiv Oblast

92 explosions were recorded in Chernihiv Oblast. Yesterday, the russians shelled two border communities of the Oblast.

Yesterday, January 10, around 5 a.m. in the Semenivka community, a russian sabotage and intelligence group shot a car with a civilian man in it. It happened half a kilometer from the russian border. The deceased was born in 1961. He worked as a school bus driver in the village of Kostobobriv.

Sumy Oblast

During January 10, the russian military carried out 29 shellings of the Sumy Oblast; 100 explosions were recorded. 10 communities were shelled.

At night, the russian army shelled three communities of Sumy Oblast. 24 explosions were recorded.

Eastern Oblasts

Kharkiv Oblast

Late yesterday evening, the russian army hit Kharkiv with S-300 missiles. Hit the hotel. At the time of the strikes, 30 people were there — seven staff members and 23 guests. As a result, 13 people were injured. They mostly have bruises, brain injuries and an acute stress reaction. Among the injured are a Turkish citizen and a Georgian citizen who work for Turkish mass media.

A sinkhole with a depth of at least three meters was formed near the hotel. A fire broke out on its bottom, because high-voltage lines pass there, rescuers extinguished the fire.

The facade of the building, balconies, canopies, windows, window sills were completely destroyed by the blast wave.

After the missile strike, water supply was partially lost in some areas of Kharkiv due to power outages. As of today, the water supply has been fully restored.

On the night of January 11, the russians shelled Podyla in the Kupyansk raion — a fire broke out in a private house, an 85-year-old woman and a 63-year-old man received shrapnel injuries

Investigators identified two LPR fighters who, during the occupation, held civilians in a torture chamber at an aggregate plant in Vovchansk. Suspicions were announced to them.

Modular clinics were set up in Oskol, Milova, and Stara Saltivka — local medical facilities were destroyed or damaged by russian shelling. In modular dispensaries, doctors and nurses will be able to work even during long power outages — the clinics are equipped with generators and fans that maintain the temperature.

Donetsk Oblast 

Russian troops shelled seven settlements in Donetsk Oblast 13 times on January 10. The shelling damaged a lyceum, an industrial building, and residents’ homes, the regional police said.

On January 10, one person died in Zalizne, Donetsk Oblast, as a result of shelling by the russian army. No one was injured yesterday.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled 47 attacks by russian troops in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts on January 10. Most of the fighting took place in the Avdiivka sector.

Pokrovsk and Pokrovsk Raion

Russia hit Hrodivka with four S-300 missiles, damaging an industrial facility. In addition, last night, russians fired two missiles at Myrnohrad. An apartment building and an educational institution were damaged.

Ukraine’s Security Service detained a resident of Donetsk Oblast who, according to investigators, was passing information to the occupiers about the location of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Avdiivka and Mariinka sectors. She faces 15 years in prison or life imprisonment with confiscation of property. 

Bakhmut and Bakhmut Raion

Yesterday, the occupants attacked Zalizne with artillery, killing a civilian man on the street.


Enemies send SMS messages to Mariupol residents urging them to vote for putin in the russian presidential election. As a reward, they promise “social assistance” – a food package. Residents of Donetsk received the same text messages.

The occupiers advertise on russian websites mortgage houses they are building in Mariupol. Thus, the enemy is trying to populate the city with russians. Among the advantages of the house is its location “near the sea and the drama theater,” keeping silent about the fact that dozens of Mariupol residents died under the rubble of the theater, where russians dropped bombs.

In Mariupol, the occupiers continue the so-called “reconstruction” of the drama theater. Currently, the builders are reinforcing the stage columns and performing brickwork. To recap: On March 16, 2022, the russians dropped two bombs on the theater, while hundreds of Mariupol families with children were hiding there.  

Luhansk Oblast

Two thousand Ukrainian books have been added to the shelves of 30 hubs in Luhansk Oblast. They were received free of charge by the Luhansk Regional Universal Scientific Library under the project “Supporting the Promotion of Reading in Ukraine.” As a result, 30 humanitarian centers have library shelves with modern Ukrainian publications.

Southern Oblasts 

Mykolaiv Oblast

On January 10 and on the night of January 11, russian shelling was recorded in the Ochakiv and Kutsurub communities of Mykolaiv Oblast. There were no casualties.

During the night of January 10-11, specialists from “Mykolaivoblenergo” restored power to eight settlements in Mykolaiv Oblast.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Russian troops shelled 20 localities in Zaporizhzhia Oblast – 116 strikes were recorded. In particular, 37 russian drones attacked 8 settlements. There were 15 reports of destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure. No civilians were injured.

In the Zaporizhzhia sector, Ukrainian defenders repelled five russian attacks near Robotyne and west of Verbove in Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

Odesa Oblast

The Ukrainian “grain corridor” has actually reached the capacity it had before the full-scale invasion. It has already managed to cross the border with 500 ships and over ten million tons of cargo. 

Kherson Oblast

The russian army shelled Kherson Oblast 108 times yesterday, firing 482 shells at its territory. They hit residential areas of the oblast’s settlements. Three people were wounded.

The occupying army shelled Kherson with artillery. An 86-year-old woman was wounded. She was taken to the hospital. Law enforcement officers opened a criminal investigation.

A man was blown up by a russian mine during field work in the Beryslav raion between Velyka Oleksandrivka and Novodmytrivka. He was injured.

The former village head of Komyshany was exposed for collaborationism. He actively cooperated with the russian occupiers, took lessons in the organization and holding of a pseudo-referendum and the establishment of illegal power in the Kherson Oblast. He faces up to 10 years in prison.

Central Oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

On the evening of January 10, russian troops struck the Marganets community in Nikopol raion with heavy artillery. Around midnight, the district center was shelled. There are no casualties or injuries.

As of the morning of January 11, more than 23,000 homes in 129 settlements remain without electricity in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast due to bad weather.

Cherkasy Oblast 

First Lady Olena Zelenska handed over the keys to a new home to a large family in Cherkasy Oblast. The large family of the Somovy will live in the new building. Eight orphans and children deprived of parental care are raised in the family. The family is immigrants from the city of Beryslav, Kherson Oblast. Due to the russian occupation, they were forced to leave their own two-story house.

Kirovohrad Oblast

46 settlements in the Oblast remain without power supply due to bad weather. The work of emergency crews is significantly complicated by the sub-zero temperature and a large number of damages – fallen pillars, numerous interruptions of networks. “Points of invincibility” operate in communities where there is no light.

The Kompaniyivka settlement community of Kropyvnytskyi raion handed over a bus worth 3,290,000 hryvnias to military personnel. It was purchased at the expense of the local budget.

Western Oblasts

Rivne Oblast 

Rivne Oblast ranks first in terms of employer support. So, last year 453 heads of enterprises took advantage of compensation programs of the regional employment service. In total, 600 unemployed people were employed with compensation, and 110 employers received 6 million hryvnias in financial support.

Lviv Oblast

In Lviv, 15 memory tables will be installed on the facades of educational institutions. 14 tables will be dedicated to the fallen soldiers, and one to the writer Victoria Amelina.

Residents of the Obroshyne community in Lviv raion bought two cars for the military of two brigades with money from the Christmas carol. They also bought eight new wheels for cars for the Hospitaliers medical battalion and 10 camouflage kits for the Special Operations Forces.

The court seized the property of the family and companies of the Lviv businessman Hrynkevych, who is suspected of bribing an investigator of the State Bureau of Investigation and of schemes involving the purchase of clothing for the Armed Forces. Real estate, premium cars belonging to the businessman’s family, as well as property and accounts of companies controlled by him were seized.

Chernivtsi Oblast 

Yuriy Gladchuk from the village of Ivanivtsi was awarded the “Badge of Honor” of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. And a resident of the Sokyryany community, Veniamin Lovchy, was awarded the honorary badge “For gallant service” of the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The collective of the Chernivtsi Oblast Theater named after Olga Kobylyanska handed over the car to the defenders from military unit A4438.

In Chernivtsi, the public organization “Tactical Group 4.5.0” opened a hub for the military. It was arranged in the premises of the former workshop at the expense of patrons. Homeless defenders will be able to spend the night here for free.

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

In the Ivano-Frankivsk community, military personnel can receive 10,000 hryvnias for psychological rehabilitation. For this, it is necessary to apply to the communal institution “House of the Warrior”, which works in the department of social protection.

Ternopil Oblast

During a working trip, the Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko visited the soldiers in the rehabilitation center in Ternopil. The wounded shared their stories of recovery and recovery.

Zakarpattia Oblast

A special border regime was established in Ukraine. From now on, in order to stay in the border strip 5 km wide from the state border line, you need to have a special permit from the State Border Service of Ukraine. In the Zakarpattia Oblast, such documents can be obtained from the headquarters of the 27th (Mukachevo) and 94th border detachments (Chop). The permit for stay, residence or movement in the border zone will be valid in the area of responsibility of the unit that issued it.

The meeting of the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Peter Sijarto, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, will take place in Uzhhorod. It is known that during the event it is planned, in particular, to discuss a possible meeting between the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban and the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

Last modified: 13 Січня, 2024