The four hundred and seventy-fourth day (474) of large-scale armed aggression by the russian against our state continues. 


Northern oblasts


A delegation from the United Arab Emirates arrived in Kyiv. The parties discussed the formula for peace, a plan for rebuilding Ukraine, and the possibility of UAE investments.

Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko auctioned off the bicycle he once fell off in the center of Kyiv for 350,000 hryvnias. The proceeds will go to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Animals from the Kherson Oblast were brought to the volunteer center near the Exhibition Center. Volunteers help walk, feed and care for the animals. The volunteers also ask people not to bring food but to donate money for providing the animals with enclosures.

Zhytomyr Oblast

Another evacuation train with 30 IDPs from the Donetsk Oblast arrived in Berdychiv. Among them are six children and three people with disabilities.

In the Zhytomyr Oblast, they continue to collect food, clothing, water, and basic necessities for the residents of the Kherson Oblast who suffered as a result of the undermining of the Kakhovka HPP. Representatives of businesses, charitable foundations and NGOs are joining the collection of aid, allocating funds from the budgets of different levels.

Sumy Oblast

During the day, on June 10, the russian military conducted 136 attacks on the territory of the Sumy Oblast. Four private houses were damaged in the Druzhba community, a power line was damaged in the Seredyna-Buda community, and a farm warehouse, trucks, a tractor, a loader, and a power line were damaged in the Bilopillia community. 

On June 11, Russians attacked Bilopillia with drones. Three hits to social infrastructure facilities were recorded. There were no casualties.

Eastern oblasts

Kharkiv Oblast

Yesterday, the enemy continued to shell the settlements of the Kharkiv, Kupiansk, Chuhuiv, and Bohodukhiv raions of the oblast.

Last night, the Russian occupiers attacked the territory of a civilian enterprise in the Bohodukhiv Raion using three Shahed UAVs. A fire broke out.

Over the last day, the enemy fired twice at the trunk ammonia pipeline in the Kupiansk Raion. There is no ammonia leak and no threat to civilians. 

As a result of shelling in Vovchansk, Chuhuiv Raion, 3 private houses and outbuildings were damaged. There were no casualties.

In the village of Kurylivka, Kupiansk Raion, a house was also damaged as a result of hostile shelling. Fortunately, no one was injured.

Over the past day, pyrotechnics of the State Emergency Service inspected almost 18 hectares of territory and neutralized 74 explosive devices.

Donetsk Oblast

The 68th Detached Jager Brigade named after Oleksa Dovbush reported that together with the Ukrainian Defense Forces it liberated the village of Blahodatne of the Velyka Novosilka settlement community in the Donetsk Oblast. The Defense Forces took 6 occupiers captive.

Over the past day, the occupiers have struck 22 attacks on 15 towns and villages in the Donetsk Oblast. 30 houses and hospitals were damaged.

Eight people were injured in the Donetsk Oblast during the past day, June 10, due to shelling by the russian army.

In the temporarily occupied Donetsk, foreign passports of the russian federation, which previously could be obtained only on the territory of russia, began to be issued. As the occupation administration has stated, this document is issued only to those who received an internal russian passport and paid a duty of 2,000 russian rubles.

Pokrovsk and Pokrovsk Raion

In the east of the Pokrovsk Raion, the Kurakhove community came under fire three times: Kurakhove, Hostre, and Ostrivske. The enemy hit Netailovo of the Ocheretyne community and Krasnohorivka with Grad MLRS. 

The enemy did not conduct offensive operations in the Avdiivka direction. It carried out airstrikes in the Avdiivka and Nevelske areas. It carried out artillery shelling of the settlements of Avdiivka, Vodiane, Pervomaiske and Karlivka in the Donetsk Oblast.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut Raion

In the direction of Bakhmut, the enemy carried out offensive actions in the direction of Bila Hora, without success. It carried out airstrikes in the areas of the settlements of Bila Hora, Dyliivka, Toretsk and New York of the Donetsk Oblast. The areas of Vasiukivka, Orihovo-Vasylivka, Ivanivske, Bila Hora, Druzhba, Toretsk, Zalizne and Piichne settlements were affected by enemy artillery fire.

Luhansk Oblast

In the temporarily occupied Rubizhne, the occupiers have accelerated the pace of looting of the surviving property of local residents, and are restricting people’s access to the roofs of buildings where mobile communication is available.

Southern oblasts

Mykolaiv Oblast

Yesterday, June 10, the town of Ochakiv of the Ochakiv community came under enemy fire. As a result, there was a fire in an open area, which was promptly liquidated by units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Mykolaiv Oblast. There are no casualties.

In Mykolaiv, the Pervomaisk, Bashtanska and Voznesensk raions, the day and night passed relatively calmly.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

During the past day, June 10, the russian military shelled 18 settlements in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Two people died, one was injured.

As of 06:00 on June 11, the water level in the cooling pond of the ZNPP is stable at 16.67 m. This is quite enough to meet the needs of the ZNPP.

As a result of the lowering of the water level in Dnipro, which occurred due to the destruction of the Kakhovka HPP by the russians, in Zaporizhzhia you can see the remains of the supports of the temporary bridge built in 1944.

In Zaporizhzhia, a monument to Marshal of the soviet union Vasyl Chuikov was dismantled. His bust was located in one of the parks of the Borodynskyi district.

Odesa Oblast 

Water brought two mines to the coast of the Odesa Oblast. One of them was found by a resident of a coastal village, who first took the ammunition home. Then the man called pyrotechnicians, who neutralized it. Another mine was detonated by the military. These are anchor river mines, which were carried into the sea due to the explosion of the Kakhovka HPP.

Kherson Oblast

On June 10, the russian army hit the de-occupied territory of the Kherson Oblast 41 times with mortars, artillery, “Grad” multiple launch rocket systems, drones and aviation. Residential quarters were attacked. In particular, the russian military fired 32 shells at Kherson. Five people were injured.

On June 11, the russians dropped two guided aerial bombs on the village of Kozatske. One of them hit the adjacent territory of a five-story building, the other fell near a kindergarten. There were no casualties or injuries.

Russian soldiers fired at a boat with people evacuating from the left bank of the Kherson Oblast. Six people were injured and were hospitalized in Kherson.

As a result of the explosion of the Kakhovka HPP and the flooding of the Kherson Oblast, the defense line of the russian army along the left bank was disrupted. There, the occupiers set up mine-explosive barricades. Water has washed away their weapons warehouses, so the threat of mine danger is extremely high.

The area of flooding in the Kherson Oblast has almost halved. The water went away from Mykolaivka, Lvove and Olhivka in the Beryslav Raion. In 32 settlements flooded on the right bank, 3,784 houses remain under water. 14 settlements are flooded on the left bank. The occupation authorities do not carry out evacuation measures.

Central Oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

On the night of June 11, troops of the Air Command “East” shot down three drones of the russian army over the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

At night, russian soldiers shelled the Nikopol Raion with artillery. The consequences are clarified.

On June 10, the water level in the Kakhovka reservoir near Nikopol fell by another meter during the day.

Kirovohrad Oblast

The Kirovohrad Oblast continues to help the Kherson Oblast. The volunteer team of the Kirovohrad Oblast Military Administration, the charity fund “Save Ukrainians” and deputies of the Kropyvnytskyi Raion Council delivered another humanitarian cargo. They also did not forget to bring the necessares for the local four-legged friends.

Poltava Oblast

As a result of the russian night attack in Myrhorod, 8 houses in the private sector were damaged. The relevant services are now working there and the amount of damage is being determined. The victims will be provided with materials to repair their homes. The decision on financial assistance will be made at the next meeting of the executive committee. Owners of houses damaged by russian shelling in the Poltava Oblast will be helped to restore them.

The Poltava Oblast continues to provide support to the Kherson Oblast. Another batch of humanitarian aid was delivered. Thanks to the promptness and joint efforts of communities, philanthropists and socially responsible businesses, the necessary items were collected and sent.

Western Oblasts

Rivne Oblast

5 institutions of the Rivne Oblast, where internally displaced persons live, received generators from the International Organization for Migration. In cooperation with charitable foundations and organizations in the region, IDPs are supported. Thus, the International Organization for Migration handed over 6 generators with a capacity of 25 kW to the oblast. They were sent to the Rivne Oblast Complex Rehabilitation Center, the Tuchyn Geriatric Boarding House, the dormitories of the Rivne Motor Vehicle College and the Rivne State Humanitarian University. The Ostroh psychoneurological boarding school also received two generators. Today, about 650 internally displaced persons are staying in these institutions.

Humanitarian aid was sent from the Rivne Oblast to the Kherson Oblast. The cargo included about a ton of bread and food, 20,000 liters of water, animal feed and hygiene products.

The Pryvilne community in the Dubno Raion donated the seventh car for Armed Forces of Ukraine. It was bought and repaired to meet the needs of the military unit, where a resident of the community is serving. Funds were collected by the whole community together with the charity fund.

Zakarpattia Oblast

The Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Belgium, Chris Beckers, paid a working visit to the Zakarpattia Oblast. During the meeting, the deputy head of Zakarpattia Oblast Military Administration,Vasyl Ivancho, spoke about the experience of interaction with local and relocated enterprises after the full-scale invasion, attracting investors, accepting enterprises that left due to the enemy actions, and creating industrial parks. The creation of new jobs, employment, housing construction for company specialists with the co-financing of business, communities and the oblast budget were also discussed. This makes it possible to cover a number of needs at once, noted Vasyl Ivancho.

In order to verify the effectiveness of the implemented relocation case, the Honorary Consul and the representative of Zakarpattia in the European Committee of the Regions, Yulia Plyska, visited two enterprises that moved their facilities from the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast to the Zakarpattia Oblast and started work there. In particular, it is about SOTON LLC, which produces polycarbonate sheets. It opened a branch, having invested UAH 16.5 million in the construction of the production site. Another enterprise is CENTRAVIS, which is one of the largest producers of seamless stainless pipes in Europe.

Last modified: 12 Червня, 2023