The five hundred and fifty-sixth day (556) of the large-scale armed aggression by the russian against our continues. 


Northern oblasts

Kyiv Oblast

A resident of Buchi found a grenade left behind by the russians in his garage. He had not been home since the beginning of martial law. The police found a tripwire sandwiched between two plastic hangers. Experts removed this dangerous find of a man in a controlled manner.

Zhytomyr Oblast

A memorial plaque was unveiled in Zviahel for Hero of Ukraine Andriy “Livsha” (“Lefty”) Verhohliad, a commander of the 72nd Detached Mechanized Brigade named after the Black Zaporizhians, who died fighting for Ukraine on June 22, 2022.

A 13-year-old boy was injured as a result of the detonation of an explosive device in Malyn, Zhytomyr Oblast. The fuse from a hand grenade detonated. The police are investigating the circumstances.

General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi handed over a flag with his personal signature and wishes to his native school in Zviahel.

Chernihiv Oblast

On September 1, russians shelled three border communities of the Chernihiv Oblast. Border guards recorded 63 explosions.

Sumy Oblast

On September 1, the russian military carried out 22 shelling attacks on the border areas of the Sumy Oblast, where 147 explosions were recorded. The Seredyna-Buda, Nova Sloboda, Krasnopillia, Myropillia, Znob-Novhorodske, Khotyn, and Bilopillia communities came under fire. In Seredyna-Buda, 16 private houses and 11 apartment buildings were damaged. Private cars, buildings of local shops, a kindergarten, an art school, the premises of the Department of Education, a children’s library, a police station, and a bank were also shelled by the russian military.

On the morning of September 2, Seredyna-Buda again suffered from russian shelling. The occupiers hit a company car of the JSC Sumyoblenergo. A 56-year-old and a 31-year-old employees were wounded. Power lines of two institutions and a local enterprise were also damaged.

Also, in the morning of September 2, the russian army fired mortars at the Khotyn community in the Sumy Oblast. Seven explosions were recorded.

Eastern oblasts

Kharkiv Oblast

Over the past day, the russian occupiers fired artillery, mortars and other weapons at the civilian population in the Kharkiv, Chuhuiv, Kupiansk, and Izium raions.

The shelling of the village of Vovchanski Khutory in the Chuhuiv Raion damaged a private house, killing a 60-year-old man.

A 73-year-old woman was wounded in the town of Vovchansk as a result of artillery shelling. She was hospitalized in moderate condition.

In the village of Senkove, Kupiansk Raion, grass and shrubs were burning due to enemy shelling. A wildfire broke out in the village of Hlushkivka, Kupiansk Raion, on an area of 2.5 hectares. Another wildfire occurred in the village of Shyikivka, Izium Raion, as a result of shelling.

Mine clearance is underway. Over the past day, bomb techs of the State Emergency Service surveyed more than 5.6 hectares of territory and defused 68 explosive devices.

Donetsk Oblast

On September 1, russian troops carried out 24 shelling attacks on 14 settlements in the Donetsk Oblast.

Over the past day, russian weapons took the life of one resident of the Donetsk Oblast – in the village of Shevchenko. Three more people were wounded in the oblast over the last 24 hours.

Since February 24, 2022, the russians have killed 1,677 civilians of the Donetsk Oblast, and wounded another 4,064 people. The number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha is currently unknown.

Tank crews in the Bakhmut sector cover the infantry and help storm the positions of the russian invaders. They can spend several days in their combat vehicles, sitting in ambush, and rejoice at each destroyed enemy target.

Kramatorsk and Kramatorsk Raion

In the Lysychansk sector, three houses and a non-residential building were damaged in Siversk. A house in Zarichne was destroyed in the Lyman community.

This afternoon, Kramatorsk suffered another missile attack. The cemetery was destroyed. A hit was recorded in the city center. No casualties have been reported so far.

In Kramatorsk, several districts of the city remain without electricity due to bad weather that occurred in the evening of September 1. The hurricane toppled many trees, tore off roofs, and damaged power lines and a gas pipeline.

Pokrovsk and Pokrovsk Raion

In the Donetsk direction, 1 house was destroyed, 10 houses and a church were damaged in the Hrodivka community. 4 streets in Krasnohorivka were under fire. In the Kurakhove community, the outskirts of Kurakhove, Hostre and Dachne were shelled.

In Avdiivka, two buildings of the local hospital were destroyed by russian shelling.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut Raion

In the Horlivka direction, 2 houses were damaged in the Toretsk community: in the settlements of Toretsk and Petrivka. New York were under fire.

In the Chasovyi Yar community, 5 buildings were damaged by russian shelling.

Volnovakha and Volnovakha Raion

In the Volnovakha direction, Vuhledar and Novoukrainka were under enemy fire – without casualties.

The russian military dropped an aerial bomb on Velyka Novosilka and destroyed the house.

In the Volnovakha Raion, representatives of the occupation administration threaten families who refuse to send their children to school with the deprivation of parental rights.


The occupiers in Mariupol destroyed 4 libraries and renamed others. According to preliminary information, 50% of publications were burned during shelling or were liquidated as “extremist”. In the surviving libraries, the invaders brought literature from the territory of the russian federation.

Luhansk Oblast

In the last two weeks russians attacked Novoiehorivka only. The enemy activity was also sporadically observed near Bilohorivka. But yesterday the assaults took place on another part of the front. To the north of Svatove, the russians tried to advance in the Novoselivka direction. In the areas of the above-mentioned settlements, the enemy actively used aviation.

Makiivka, Nevske and Bilohorivka were damaged by the enemy’s artillery fire.

Southern Oblasts

Mykolaiv Oblast

Yesterday, September 1, the enemy fired artillery at the water area of the Ochakiv community. There were no casualties.

In Mykolaiv, Pervomaisk, Voznesensk and Bashtanka raions, the day and night passed relatively calmly.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

94 attacks were made by the russian army on the cities and villages of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast last day, September 1. The russian military carried out airstrikes on Robotyne and Preobrazhenka.

A powerful explosion rang out in temporarily occupied Berdiansk this afternoon. The information is being clarified.

The IAEA successfully conducted a rotation of a group of experts at the Zaporizhzhia NPP. This is already the eleventh team.

In Zaporizhzhia, the first digital educational center was opened on the basis of one of the school. Primary school children can come here free of charge. In the first half of the day, they will connect to online lessons, then they will be able to deepen their knowledge in the subject clubs of the center. photos

Ukrainian troops have made significant progress in the south in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast over the past 72 hours.

Odesa Oblast

In Odesa, people with posters gathered near the city hall on City Day. They once again demand to cancel the tenders for the reconstruction of the Kyiv District Court and the Theater of the Young Spectator with money from the city budget and transfer them to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On the occasion of City Day, the Odesa flag was raised on Dumska Square. Next to the city flag on the square were the flags of the military branches and the flags of the states supporting Ukraine and Odesa during the war.

Kherson Oblast

During the day, the russian army shelled more than ten settlements with artillery in the Kherson direction. 59 attacks on the territory of the oblast were recorded.

The village in the Bilozerka community came under russian artillery fire. Enemies hit an agricultural enterprise, the tractor driver was killed. Another injured person was taken to the hospital.

On the night of September 2, russian troops attacked Kherson and Sadove. During the day, the territory of the community was shelled 12 times. Hits were also recorded in Antonivka and Prydniprovske.

The russian military shelled Kherson in the middle of the night. The houses and power lines were damaged. Two people received shrapnel wounds. One was treated on the spot, the other was hospitalized.

The russian army hit Odradokamianka in the Kherson Oblast with guided aerial bombs. A 43-year-old man died. Two more wounded.

From August 2, “early voting” began in the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson Oblast in the so-called “deputy elections” to the fake body – the “Kherson Oblast duma”. It will last until September 7. Next, during the three days of September 8, 9, and 10, the occupation authorities will hold a “single day of voting.”

Activists of the “Yellow Ribbon” movement report that in the temporarily occupied Henichesk, so-called “mobile election groups” go around the local population with practically empty ballot boxes. People don’t open doors.

On the territory of the temporarily occupied Kherson Oblast, on September 1, the steppe of the Biosphere Reserve “Askania-Nova” burned. 7,000 hectares of the “South” plot were destroyed.

The organization of the Red Cross Society of Ukraine was created in the Novovorontsovka community in the Kherson Oblast. Volunteers will help residents affected by hostilities, hold meetings with psychologists, and teach first aid. A “clothing bank” will also be created in the community.

Central oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Explosions are heard in Kryvyi Rih. Air defense forces destroyed a russian drone. It was probably a Merlin reconnaissance drone.

More than forty thousand portions of dry borscht have already been delivered to the front by volunteers from Malomykolaivka of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. Three families are constantly cooking here, and residents of the whole village bring vegetables from their own gardens.

In eight territorial social adaptation centers of Dnipro, women sew gloves and pillows, make charms and knit socks for the military. In total, more than 8,000 products have been made since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. They are transferred to the front and the wounded to hospitals.

Kirovohrad Oblast

In Kropyvnytskyi, virtual reality will help with psychological rehabilitation. VR helmets will be used for this. They create the effect of presence in different locations. They will work with such equipment in the space for women and girls “Zatyshno space”. Sessions are free of charge.

Poltava Oblast

106 grenades were seized from residents of the Poltava Oblast in six months. Almost a hundred criminal cases were opened against violators, more than half of which are being considered by the courts.

The Security Service of Ukraine exposed four more supporters of the russian peace in the Poltava Oblast. One of them on a social network accused the Armed Forces of shelling the Kakhovka HPP, residential areas and civilian objects. A resident of the Lubny Raion glorified the russian military and claimed that the russian federation was “liberating hostages from terrorists.” Another suspect called for the violent removal of the top leadership of the state. And a native of the Donetsk Oblast called for the overthrow of “the power of nazis and murderers” in Ukraine. The extras were informed of the suspicions, and their cases were referred to the court.

Cherkasy Oblast

This year, more than 30,000 Hasidic pilgrims visit Uman on Rosh Hashanah. Most of them will enter Cherkasy through Vinnytsia or Mohyliv-Podilskyi. Security measures are being developed in the oblast.

In Cherkassy, ​​work on setting up a crisis center is starting. Here they should help persons who have suffered from domestic violence, including among displaced persons. Capital repairs will be made at the expense of the city budget, and technical support for the complete arrangement is provided by the UN Fund in the amount of about 2 million hryvnias. Furniture, computer and office equipment, telecommunications equipment will be purchased for them.

Vinnytsia Oblast

Vocational orientation classes for young people with intellectual disabilities are held in a supported living facility in Vinnytsia. It was created three years ago. It is visited by residents of Vinnytsia over the age of 18. Social pedagogues and psychologists work with them.

The exhibition “Bloody Battle near Ternovy Pody”, dedicated to the fallen soldiers of the mechanized company of the 11th separate motorized infantry battalion “Kyiv Rus” 59 separate mechanized brigade named after Yakov Handziuk, was opened on September 2 in the regional museum of local history. 

Western oblasts

Rivne Oblast

Dutch runner Boas Kragtwijk arrived in Rivne, running from Amsterdam to Kyiv to raise money for an ambulance for Ukraine.

Volyn Oblast

In Lutsk, the All-Ukrainian patriotic race “I honor the soldiers, I run for the Heroes of Ukraine!” took place for the sixth time. More than 400 participants ran the distance of 1.2 kilometers. 

Khmelnytskyi Oblast

More than 20 residents of the oblast came out to support the prisoners in Khmelnytskyi “Bring the Heroes Home”. 

Zakarpattia Oblast

Over 41,000 hryvnias were collected for the Armed Forces by the participants of the “Victory Potion” event. As part of the event, its initiators prepared traditional Zakarpattia plum jam. The funds were transferred to the anti-drone gun of the unit in the 63rd brigade of the Armed Forces, where Mukachevo soldiers serve.

The coordinator of “Active Community” in Uzhgorod volunteers together with representatives of the Zakarpattia Military Support Movement. In one of the city’s supermarkets, she was on duty at a post where they collected aid intended for a hospital where wounded soldiers are recovering.

Last modified: 3 Вересня, 2023