The six hundred and forty-second day (642) of the large-scale armed aggression of the russians against ours continues.


Northern Oblasts


In Brussels, a memorandum was signed on the opening of the European Parliament office in Kyiv, which should strengthen the effectiveness of the interaction between the EU and the Ukrainian authorities.

Consequences of snowfall continue to be overcome in Kyiv. 333 units of “Kyivavtodor” equipment and 557 workers from manual cleaning crews work on the streets. Roads, sidewalks, traffic stops are treated with anti-icing agents.

In the event of new russian attacks on critical infrastructure facilities, more than two-thirds of Kyivteploenergo’s boiler plants have been equipped with generators. Also, more than 970 heating points for the population were prepared in the capital.

Kyiv Oblast 

Energy workers returned the light to all the houses of the Kyiv Oblast, which disappeared after the bad weather. During the day, electricity supply was restored to almost 33,000 homes, 47 lines and 967 substations were restored.

In Bucha, it was reported that the shopping and entertainment center “Avenir Plaza” was mined. The police are on site. Dog handlers and explosives service are expected.

In the Makariv community, the initiative “Give a holiday to the defenders” was launched, during which residents will prepare gifts for the military. The local authorities gave recommendations on what to fill holiday packages with. Collection of gifts will continue until December 20.

Zhytomyr Oblast

On November 21, 2023, a memorial plaque in honor of Lyceum graduate Mykhailo Naumov was unveiled at the Bazarsky Lyceum of the Narodychi community. The soldier died in May 2022 in the Donetsk direction.

Military intelligence officer Andriy Maksymchuk presented a poetic fairy tale for children “A Journey through the Country and a Magical Dragon” in Zhytomyr. The book was written by a soldier while he was at the front. The proceeds from its sale go to support 132 separate reconnaissance battalions of the airborne assault troops.

Chernihiv Oblast

On November 27, russian troops shelled Semenivka, which is on the border of Chernihiv Oblast.

Almost a third of the buses on the routes of Chernihiv Oblast did not make their flights.

Chernihiv will receive 10 buses from Latvia. In addition to them, humanitarian aid will also arrive, which the residents of Ryga, entrepreneurs and caring citizens have handed over for Chernihiv. Also, equipment for the city maternity hospital in the amount of 15 thousand euros has already arrived from Latvia.

Sumy Oblast

During the day, the russian army carried out six mortar attacks on Sumy Oblast. A total of 45 explosions were recorded. Four communities were shelled.

On the night and morning of November 28, the russian army shelled two communities in the Sumy Oblast. 12 explosions were recorded.

The russian army shelled the city of Seredyna-Buda in the Sumy Oblast. The bodies of two dead women and two wounded men were recovered from the rubble. A man and his 7-year-old stepdaughter were also injured in their own car. Later, the girl died in the hospital.

In Sumy Oblast, due to difficult weather conditions, 30 settlements and 5,200 electricity consumers remain without power.

Yesterday, November 27, rescuers freed 27 cars from snowdrifts in Sumy Oblast. As a result, 43 people were saved, including three children.

Eastern Oblasts 

Kharkiv Oblast 

Russian troops carried out an airstrike on Stepova Novoselivka in the Kupyansk raion.

The russian army dropped a guided aerial bomb on the village of Kivsharivka yesterday around midnight. It hit a yard near residential buildings, as a result of the impact, multi-story buildings were damaged. Russian troops shell the village and community every day with all types of weapons. Before the full-scale war, 18 thousand people lived in Kivsharivka. Now 2.5 thousand residents remain there.

In the Kupyansk direction, the russian army attacked the positions of the Defense Forces three times during November 27. Russian troops in the Kupyansk direction want to go to the left bank of the Oskil River to occupy Kupyansk and Kupyansk-Vuzlovyi.

As a result of the bad weather, 86 houses in the village of Borodoyarske, Izyum raion, remain without power.

Donetsk Oblast 

The russian army attacked five settlements of Donetsk Oblast nine times on November 27. There were no casualties or injuries.

Since February 24, 2022, the russians have killed 1,780 civilians of Donetsk Oblast, injured another 4,331 people. The number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha is currently unknown.

The Armed Forces repulsed 28 attacks of the russian army in the Bakhmut, 23 in the Avdiyivka, 12 in the Lyman, and 9 in the Maryinka directions during November 27.

34 populated areas of Donetsk Oblast are without power due to bad weather, another 19 populated areas are without electricity due to russian shelling on November 27. Energy workers restored 216 settlements.

Kramatorsk and Kramatorsk raion

Three Siversk streets were fired upon in the Lysychansk direction, and a house was damaged.

Pokrovsk and Pokrovsk raion

Krasnohorivka, Novomykhailivka and Kostyantynivka were fired upon in the Donetsk direction in the Maryinka community.

The russian army is trying to surround Avdiyivka and started shelling the city from the Donetsk side. For this, they use aviation and means of electronic warfare. The technique is not used yet.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut raion

In the Chasiv Yar community, 3 private houses were damaged by russian shelling.

Russian troops shelled Toretsk on November 28. Shells hit the building on the territory of the Toretsk mine, under the rubble of which four female employees of the enterprise were found. The women have now been pulled out from under the rubble and buried. The rescue operation has been completed.

Volnovakha and Volnovakha raion

In the Volnovakha direction, the russians shelled Vugledar and Novoukrainka.


In occupied Mariupol, about 11,500 apartments and private houses do not have electricity due to bad weather. In particular, several micro-districts remain without power, as well as flooded private houses.

Southern Oblasts 

Mykolayiv Oblast

On November 27, russian troops shelled the water area of ​​the Ochakiv community, and on November 28, shelling was recorded in the town of Ochakiv, the coastline of the Ochakiv community, and the village of Dmytrivka in the Kutsurub community. There are no injured or dead.

On the night of November 28, Mykolayivoblenergo specialists restored electricity for 10,000 consumers. Repair work is ongoing. 123 settlements remain de-energized and 6 — partially.

Two people died in Mykolaiv Oblast due to bad weather.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast 

Military personnel of russia made 64 strikes on 15 towns and villages of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Civilians were not injured. 6 reports were received about the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure facilities.

Today, the enemy launched a rocket attack on the territory of the enterprise in one of the districts of Zaporizhzhia. Previously, this is one of the modifications of the Iskander ballistic missile. It is known that one person was slightly injured. One of the shops located next to the impact site was damaged by the blast wave.

Odesa Oblast 

The army of russia brought two more submarines to the Black Sea alongside the frigate “Admiral Makarov”. The total volley of “Calibers” can reach 16.

The SSU detained a russian game agent who was correcting dozens of “Shakheds” in Odesa. The perpetrator gave the aggressor dozens of geolocations where, according to her belief, units of the Armed Forces were allegedly based. After the enemy strikes on Odesa, the defendant reported to her “curator” about the consequences of the “arrivals”. The perpetrator is in custody. She faces life in prison.

Since November 26, rescuers have evacuated 2,498 people, including 162 children, from snow traps in Odesa. 849 vehicles were towed, including 24 buses and 17 ambulances.

Due to bad weather, five people died in Odesa, and another 15 were injured. Over the past 24 hours, power companies have restored power to 169,000 families in 294 settlements in Odesa.

The work of the boiler house in Peresypsky district, where the pipe was destroyed due to strong wind, has been stopped for now. She worked all night in test mode. The supply of heat to the homes of Odesa residents will be restored at the end of the daylight hours.

Kherson Oblast 

During the past day, russian troops struck the territory of the Kherson Oblast 48 times with various types of weapons. They targeted residential quarters, a factory and an educational institution in Kherson. Wounded person.

At night, the russian army shelled Kherson. I was beaten in residential quarters in the middle of the city. A 71-year-old man died of serious injuries.

The army of russia struck the village of Lviv of the Tyagine community in the Kherson Oblast with artillery. A 40-year-old man was injured.

The army of russia struck the Berislav raion in the Kherson Oblast. A 64-year-old woman who was on the street was injured in Dudchany.

In Beryslav, the russian military dropped explosives on a civilian car from a drone. A 48-year-old man was injured. Both injured were hospitalized.

An explosion was heard in temporarily occupied Skadovsk.

All children were evacuated from 14 settlements in the Kherson Oblast, which are constantly being shelled by the russian army. Five minors remain in the Kakhovka raion, seven in the Berislav raion, and 150 in the Kherson raion.

Central Oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast 

Russian troops hit Kryvyi Rih with a rocket on the night of November 28. Consequences are clarified. The Marganets community of the Nikopol raion was also shelled from heavy artillery.

A 63-year-old man died, a 65- and 63-year-old woman was injured as a result of a russian artillery shell hitting a five-story building in Nikopol. Women with shrapnel wounds were hospitalized. In addition to the five-story building, other buildings and power lines were damaged.

Air defense forces shot down a russian drone in the sky over Kryvyi Rih raion of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

Fighters of the 128th separate ground defense brigade are training soldiers at the training ground. First, they practice the technique of holding a firearm. Then the 20 soldiers are divided into groups and simulate moving through the trenches.

In Dnipro, a team of volunteers has been collecting used disposable e-cigarettes for almost two months and using them to make power banks for the military. More than 20 batteries are needed to create one such charger.

Two modernized electric trains will start running in Dnipro from December. They are equipped with ramps, have places for people with disabilities, inclusive toilets and Braille navigation. It will also be possible to park a bicycle and charge a phone in the carriage.

Kirovohrad Oblast

In Oleksandriia, there is a hotline for female and male veterans, their families, and the families of fallen or deceased defenders of Ukraine. Callers can also be active-duty military personnel who need advice or support. Here you can get answers about social protection, employment, medical, psychological, and legal assistance.  

In the regional center, Chyzhevsky’s library joined the campaign “Myth is not equal to reality, or how stereotypes destroy the world.” In the main lobby of the library, you can view 16 photos that tell real stories about domestic violence.  

Poltava Oblast

A Heroes’ Alley was opened in a village near Poltava. The memory of nine fallen soldiers was honored in Rozsoshentsi.  

Almost 20 streets were renamed in Skorokhodove. The community got rid of the russified street names in honor of nekrasov, suvorov, gagarin, and zygin. Instead, the village now has Heroes of Azovstal, Unity, and Oleksandra Putri streets.

In Poltava Oblast, 49 ASCs provide 100% of mandatory services in the area of veterans’ protection. The legislation provides for the provision of 19 mandatory services. These include establishing the status of a combatant, or war veteran, obtaining or replacing a certificate, receiving financial assistance or compensation, an extract from the Unified State Register of War Veterans, and a decision on free housing repairs.

The large-scale batch of aid was delivered to various military units today. Four cars and portable power plants, five drones, three boats, as well as 20 radios and heaters each were purchased at the expense of the regional budget. Another 10 attack drones and one boat were purchased by a socially responsible business. One quadcopter was donated by a volunteer.

Poltava Oblast has hosted 51 relocated enterprises and has become a platform for their development.

Vinnytsia Oblast

Sitting volleyball as a form of rehabilitation has been introduced in a Vinnytsia medical facility. It is played by military personnel who lost their limbs in the war. Physical therapist Dmytro Osadchuk told “Suspilne” that they involve patients in sports to help them adapt after an injury.

The amateur band “Smereka” from the village of Pishchanka in Vinnytsia Oblast has donated more than UAH 2 million to the needs of the Armed Forces. Since May 2022, the singing group has held 194 charity concerts in 9 regions of Ukraine.

Ten members of the NGO Kolping’s Family in Vinnytsia make trench candles for the defenders of Ukraine. They involve people with disabilities, including those with intellectual disabilities.

Western Oblasts

Volyn Oblast

A soldier from Volyn, Serhiy Orysyuk, came to his native Liuboml during his vacation to find a schoolgirl who had sent a letter with a picture, a chocolate bar, and money through volunteers. The man decided to surprise the child and came in the middle of the lesson with a gift.

Lviv Oblast

Lviv took third place in the international competition “The European Capital of Innovation”. Thus, the city received 100 thousand euros to implement projects using innovative technologies. The winner of the competition, the European Capital of Innovation 2023, was Lisbon, with Warsaw taking second place.

Khmelnytskyi Oblast

Air defense forces were operating during the morning attack. As a result of the downing of an attack aircraft, debris fell on the roof of a private house in Khmelnytskyi Raion. At least 5 houses were damaged. One of them was destroyed by 50%. No one was injured.

13 thousand patriotic calendars were made by Khmelnytskyi entrepreneurs for the charity project “2024 – the Year of Victory”. They will be handed over to educational institutions of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, where they will be given a donation.

Chernivtsi Oblast 

Anatolii Fedyshen, a resident of the Sokyriany community, was awarded the Golden Cross honorary badge from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi.

Vasyl Moniuk, a soldier from the village of Verenchanka, was posthumously awarded the “For the Glory of Bukovyna” decoration.

The memory of Maksym Kravets, the youngest resident of Sokyryany, who died for Ukraine’s independence, was honored by installing a memorial plaque. It was placed on the facade of the Lomachyntsi gymnasium where the Hero studied. Just three weeks before the start of the full-scale invasion, he turned 18.

The residents of Kherson Oblast received clothes, food, sweets, and Bukovinian delicacies from the Mamayiv community.

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

Deputies of the Nadvirna community in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast voted at the 28th extraordinary session to allocate UAH 4.5 million to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The money will be used to purchase more than 100 drones.

Volunteers from the Rohatyn Center for Children and Youth Creativity in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast have woven about 600 camouflage nets for soldiers at the front since the start of the full-scale war. The women call their volunteer unit a “battalion of tireless spiders.”

Zakarpattia Oblast

Over the first ten months of this year, Zakarpattia Oblast has raised about UAH 60 million from privatization to the state budget. This is a record amount compared to previous years, including the pre-war years, when the average revenue was between UAH 1.5 and 6 million per year.  

In the first stage, centers in Rakhiv and Solotvyno were selected to participate in the pilot project “Electronic Court in ASCs” in Zakarpattia Oblast. Thanks to the implementation of this project, including in mountainous settlements, residents will have convenient access to justice.  

At the Uzhhorod Center for Vocational Education, students are making stoves for the military. Since October, 8 stoves have already been manufactured and sent, and another 10 are ready and being prepared for shipment to Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Volunteers of the Movement to support Zakarpattia soldiers helped to purchase the material.

Last modified: 30 Листопада, 2023