The six hundred and sixty-sixth day (666) of the large-scale armed aggression of the russians against ours continues.


Northern oblasts


The defenders of Mariupol will spend their second Christmas in captivity. Relatives of the prisoners of war and concerned citizens came to a peaceful rally to remind everyone of the captured defenders.

In Kyiv, relatives and friends of the participants of the Revolution of Dignity and those of the fallen defenders of Ukraine gathered for the traditional Christmas tree decoration at the temporary memorial on the Heavenly Hundred Heroes Alley. The “Christmas Tree for Heroes” event was held for the eighth year in a row in memory of all those who gave their lives for the freedom of Ukraine.

Rescuers have dismantled the collapsed and hazardous structures in the high-rise building in the Solomianskyi district, which was hit by the wreckage of a russian UAV on the night of December 22.

The National Bank of Ukraine issued commemorative Christmas coins dedicated to Shchedryk (originally a Ukrainian New Year’s song, now also known as ‘Carol of the Bells’). The set includes three coins, each in the shape of a bell, with a face value of 10 hryvnias and made of 999 silver. The mintage of the set is up to 5 thousand.

Kyiv Oblast

The Kyiv Oblast purchased 500 FPV drones for the military of the 72nd Brigade. A total of 1,000 such “birds” will be purchased to help our defenders in the East destroy the russian invaders even more effectively.

The head of the Kyiv Oblast Military Administration (OMA) handed over two MAN trucks to the military. They are already on their way to the fighters of the 72nd Detached Mechanized Brigade named after the Black Zaporizhian Cossacks, which has been holding the eastern front in the Donetsk Oblast since the summer of 2022.

The Kyiv Oblast was the first among other regions to launch an interactive map of the oblast’s recovery. This is a joint development of the Kyiv OMA and the Fiscal Policy Research Center. The interactive map allows you to track the expenses for the restoration of the Kyiv Oblast. It contains all the information about financing the reconstruction of damaged facilities at the level of the raion, territorial community, and settlement.

Zhytomyr Oblast

In Zhytomyr, ten off-road vehicles worth a total of UAH 14 million and fifty FPV drones were delivered to Ukrainian defenders.

In the Zhytomyr Oblast, major repairs of the bridge on the M-21 international highway have begun in Cherniakhiv. Construction workers are currently making a temporary detour.

Volunteers from Zhytomyr made and sent a ton of Olivier salad to the frontline for soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Chernihiv Oblast

On December 22, russians shelled five border villages in the Chernihiv Oblast: Leonivka, Bleshnia, Kostobobriv, Karpovychi (Semenivka community), and Kliusy (Snovsk community). Border guards recorded 75 explosions. They were probably caused by mortars, BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles, and helicopter-launched unguided aerial missiles.

Sumy Oblast

On December 22, the russian army shelled 6 communities in the Sumy Oblast. 112 explosions were recorded. The Bilopillia, Krasnopillia, Myropillia, Esman, Seredyna-Buda, and Druzhba communities came under fire.

At night, the Russian army shelled the Krasnopillia community. Six explosions were recorded.

In the Sumy Oblast, 54 settlements (3.1 thousand consumers) remain without electricity due to hostilities. Also, overhead gas pipelines were damaged by shelling in one of the raions of the oblast. Some consumers are disconnected from gas supply.

Eastern regions

Kharkiv Oblast

More than 20 settlements of the Kharkiv Oblast (in particular, in the Kupiansk Raion) were subjected to russian artillery and mortar shelling during the day. In the afternoon of December 22, russian troops shelled Kupiansk, Velykyi Burluk, and Kindrashivka, destroying a private house. There is no information about any casualties.

Three private houses were damaged as a result of shelling in the village of Lyptsi, Kharkiv Raion.

Airstrikes on Synkivka were carried out by the russian army during December 22. The Ukrainian forces also repelled 16 russian assaults in the area of the village over the day.

Russian troops conducted artillery attacks on the border town of Kozacha Lopan, no one was injured. The shelling damaged private houses, civilian cars, and critical infrastructure. The village is partially de-energized and without gas.

The Kharkiv Oblast Council will petition the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to rename four villages and two settlements in the Bohodukhiv Raion.

Donetsk Oblast

One person was killed and ten residents were wounded in the Donetsk Oblast due to russian shelling on December 22. Over the past day, the russian army fired 17 times at nine settlements and damaged a gas pipeline, power grids, and outpatient clinics.

The defense forces repelled more than 50 russian attacks in the Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Maryinka, and Shakhtarsk sectors. In particular, Ukrainian soldiers repelled 40 assaults in the Avdiivka sector, while the russian army did not advance in the Lyman sector.

The bad weather left 23 settlements in the Donetsk Oblast without electricity, affecting 3,800 families.

In the Lysychansk sector, three streets in Serebrianka of the Seversk community were shelled, and a house in Torske of the Lyman community was damaged.

Kramatorsk and Kramatorsk Raion

In the Marinka community, one person died in Katerynivka, one person was injured in Antonivka. In the Ocheretyne community, three people were injured in Novoselivka Persha. In Kurakhove, one person was injured, eight high-rise buildings, private houses and an industrial zone were damaged.

Ukrainian troops control Stepove in the Avdiivka direction and Koksokhim. The army of the russian federation uses various techniques to be able to advance, but they do not succeed.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut Raion

In Toretsk, four people were injured, 23 houses, four infrastructure objects and three administrative buildings were damaged. An industrial building was damaged in the Chasiv Yar community. In the Illinivka community, a person was injured, 20 houses were damaged.

Volnovakha and Volnovakha Raion

In the Volnovakha direction, the russians shelled the outskirts of Prechystivka of the Vuhledar community.


The Ukrainian documentary film “20 Days in Mariupol” was shortlisted for the Oscar. In the film, director Mstislav Chernov and photographer Yevhen Maloletka depicted the terrible moments of the bombing of the city by russian aircraft, the destruction of the maternity hospital by an aerial bomb, the appearance of mass graves and other russian war crimes during the occupation of Mariupol. The nominees for the award will be announced in a month, and its presentation is scheduled on March 10.

Southern Oblasts

Mykolaiv Oblast

On December 22, russian troops shelled the city of Ochakiv and the community of Ochakiv in the Mykolaiv Oblast, twice with artillery. There are no injuries or dead.

Two actions took place in Mykolaiv today. The participants demanded direct money from the city budget to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and also chanted calls for the rotation of the military.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast

130 strikes on 14 settlements. The russian military shelled the communities of the Oblast in the line of fire. Ten reports were received about the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure facilities. Civilians were not injured.

For the fourth time, an action was held in Zaporizhzhia for the right to demobilize the military. Relatives of the soldiers who have been defending Ukraine since the first days of the full-scale invasion gathered with the demand to adopt a draft law on clarifying the terms of military service.

Odesa Oblast

In Odesa Raion, during the downing of drones, the glass of one of the educational institutions was damaged by an explosive wave. A total of seven drones were shot down over the Oblast. No casualties or injuries.

As a result of the russian attack in the evening, almost four thousand families were left without electricity in Odesa. The light has now been restored.

Relatives of military personnel for the fourth time went on a picket for the right to demobilize soldiers after 18 months of service. They demanded the adoption of a draft law on clarifying the terms of military service.

Odesa handed over 61 boats to the military along with carriages for their transportation. The total cost of the equipment was 44.5 million hryvnias.

A charity Christmas fair in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was held at the Odesa Higher Vocational School of Maritime Tourist Service. Students collected almost UAH 58,000 for the purchase of a charging station for the 246th battalion of the 126th territorial defense brigade in the Kherson Oblast.

Golubtsi of the Odesa Oblast entered the National List of Elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ukraine.

Kherson Oblast

Yesterday, the russian army attacked the Kherson Oblast 83 times. 439 shells were fired in the Oblast, 31 — in the regional center. Six people were injured.

Yesterday, the russian military carried out an airstrike with the use of four guided air bombs on Krynky of the Kherson Oblast. Kherson was attacked ten times with various types of weapons.

The russian army attacked Stanislav with a drone in the Kherson Oblast. A 69-year-old man died.

Tonight, the russian military launched a massive attack on Kherson. Powerful explosions were heard in several raions of the city. Fires broke out in residential areas.

Since the beginning of de-occupation, 4,053 objects have been damaged in the Kherson urban territorial community due to the armed aggression of the russian federation.

This year, Kherson children are attending Christmas and New Year events in the shelter. In one of them, the reception of the Christmas wizard works.

Central oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Today, air defense forces destroyed two drones in the Kryvyi Rih Raion of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

Military air defense destroyed a missile over the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

A 49-year-old man was wounded by shelling in the Nikopol Raion in the afternoon of December 23. He has a mine-explosive injury and shrapnel injuries. The man is in the hospital. In total, the area was hit four times by artillery and nine kamikaze drones were sent. Two enterprises, an administration building, nine private houses, a five-story building, two garages, a greenhouse, several outbuildings, and a car were damaged. The infrastructure was also destroyed. The power line and the gas pipeline.

In the course of the day, reports of mining were received in Dnipro. Specialists inspected 154 educational institutions, 2 Metro Cash & Carry stores. No explosives were found. The information about mining has not been confirmed.

Kirovohrad Oblast

Today, the Kirovohrad Oblast came under a massive missile attack. Targets over the Kropyvnytskyi and Oleksandria raions were destroyed by air defense. Roofs of houses, fences, and cars were damaged by debris. There is currently no information about the victims.

Vinnytsia Oblast

On December 23, residents of Vinnytsia joined the blood donation drive for military and civilians. 48 donors came to donate blood.

Western Oblasts

Volyn Oblast

As of the morning of December 23, four directions are blocked on the border of Ukraine and Poland. These are the Rava-Ruska, Krakivets, Yahodyn and Shehyni checkpoints. According to information from Polish border guards, more than 4,000 trucks and vehicles are in queues in the direction of the border with Ukraine.

Khmelnytskyi Oblast

On the night of December 23, Khmelnytskyi was attacked by russian drones. Air defense destroyed two unmanned aerial vehicles of the “Shahed” type. There was no information about the injured or the destruction.

Today, a charity race called “New Horizon” was held in Khmelnytskyi. Almost 300 participants took part in it. Anyone interested could donate the funds needed to purchase FPV drones for one of the military units.


At an extraordinary meeting of the executive committee, a decision was made to transfer about UAH 3 million from the community to the military from 6 military units. Namely: 10 Ecoflo charging stations, 5 thermal imagers, special equipment and educational and training tools, night vision monocular, DJI Mavic 3T quadcopters for a total of UAH 1,28 million UAH. Another 100 soldiers who are currently on the front line will receive financial assistance from the budget of UAH 15,000.

A military rehabilitation department will soon be opened in the city hospital. The “People’s Self-Defense of the Lviv Region” Charitable Foundation provided specialized medical beds and other necessary medical equipment for rehabilitation for this need.

Chernivtsi Oblast

Volunteers of the Vashkivtsi community sent almost 200 packages of kutya [traditional holiday dish made from sweet cereal], dumplings, sausage and sweets to the military. Most of the parcels were sent to each soldier by mail, since the soldiers are in different directions. Such parcels for soldiers in the community are prepared for Christmas and Easter.

At the session of the Chernivtsi Oblast Council, a new honorary award was approved – the Bukovyna Cross of Honor and Dignity.

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

In Ivano-Frankivsk, on December 23, an exhibition of children’s drawings “The second Christmas without a holiday – my dad is in captivity” was organized at Vichevyi Maidan. The action was held in support of the captured soldiers from Mariupol.

Zakarpattia Oblast

The Interdenominational Spiritual Council of Zakarpattia calls on all believers, regardless of denominational affiliation, language and nationality, to join in common prayer for Ukraine and unity during the protracted war against russia.

Last modified: 25 Грудня, 2023