The six hundred and sixty-ninth day (669) of the large-scale armed aggression of the russians against ours continues.


Northern Oblasts


At night, Ukrainian tactical aviation attacked a large landing ship of the russian Black Sea Fleet Novocherkassk with cruise missiles near Feodosia in occupied Crimea.

The owner of an Internet provider broadcasting Kremlin propaganda in the occupied territories of Luhansk Oblast was detained in Kyiv. The man ran the business from the capital, with his mother coordinating the work of the company locally. They were both notified of suspicion of collaboration with the occupiers.

From December 25 to 28, military exercises of the Armed Forces and police units will take place in different districts of Kyiv. These exercises involve the deployment of temporary checkpoints, installation of restrictive signs, and elements of engineering barriers. The conditions include practicing checking vehicles, documents, checkpoint security elements, etc.

A new Ukrainian record was set in Kyiv – the largest didukh trident. It was made by paratrooper Yaroslav Kuchma, who was wounded in the war, and 95-year-old straw weaver Pelageya Zhyvko helped him. The composition of ”didukhs” exceeds 7.4 meters. This is more than a meter higher than the previous record.

Kyiv Oblast

In 2023, Kyiv region was ranked among the top five regions attractive for doing business. Currently, more than 200 thousand business entities are registered in the region. Kyiv Oblast has hosted 77 relocated enterprises.

The 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade named after the Black Cossacks received more than five hundred FPV drones and trucks from Kyiv Oblast. 500 FPV drones were purchased at the expense of the region. Another 50 were donated by the community of Bila Tserkva. In addition, two MAN trucks were also handed over to the military.

Makariv community sent gifts for the military to the front line. The parcels have been collected since the end of November as part of the Give a Holiday to a Defender campaign. Food, medicines, camouflage nets, trench candles, a generator, stoves, and drones were delivered to the frontline

Six families from Kyiv Oblast who are raising foster children in family-type homes received cars as Christmas gifts. The cars were purchased at the expense of the regional budget. 

Zhytomyr Oblast

By the end of the year, 33 more vehicles are to be put on combat duty for mobile air defense groups in Zhytomyr Oblast, and communities are to be provided with machine guns to shoot down “chessmen.”   

On December 26, at an extraordinary session, deputies of the Zhytomyr City Council adopted amendments to the community budget to include a subvention from the state budget in the amount of one million 600 thousand hryvnias. The money was allocated for the purchase of housing for an IDP who is a combatant.

In Zhytomyr, a “Secret Santa” campaign was announced to increase the number of blood donors in the region. Citizens are urged to donate blood and make a gift to a stranger to save a soldier’s life.

Chernihiv Oblast

On December 25, russian troops shelled two villages of the Snovsk community in Chernihiv Oblast at the border.

More than two thousand subscribers in the border area of Chernihiv Oblast were left without electricity due to the shelling of Hirsk by кussians.

During two charity fairs, students of Bobrovytsia Secondary School No. 1 raised almost 180 thousand hryvnias to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Sumy Oblast 

Yesterday, the russian army shelled two communities in Sumy Oblast. In Sumy region, air defense forces shot down a russian drone.

At night on December 26, the russian army shelled the Krasnopil community in Sumy Oblast with artillery. Five explosions were recorded.

A private house in Ugroids, Sumy Oblast, was damaged by russian shelling.

Eastern Oblasts 

Kharkiv Oblast 

At least 15 settlements in the region were under artillery and mortar fire over the past day.

A 63-year-old resident of Pishchane in the Kuryliv community was wounded in the afternoon on December 25, the man sustained an explosive injury and shrapnel wounds.

At night, russians shelled Podoly in Kupiansk Raion with multiple rocket launchers, a private house caught fire, the fire spread to 120 square meters. A man died in the fire – his body was found while extinguishing the fire. Rescuers were able to finally extinguish the fire in six hours. 

Synkivka, which is stormed by russians every day in the Kupiansk sector, is under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, a “gray zone”.

Donetsk Oblast

The russian army shelled seven settlements in Donetsk Oblast with artillery and “Smerch” rockets on December 25. The shelling damaged a power line, private houses, and an outbuilding.

Two people were injured by russian military shelling on December 25. No one was killed in Donetsk Oblast yesterday.

Since February 24, 2022, russians have killed 1796 civilians in Donetsk Oblast and injured 4416 more. The number of casualties in Mariupol and Volnovakha is currently unknown.

On December 25, Ukrainian defense forces repelled more than 80 russian attacks in Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts. The russian army attacked most of all at the Avdiivka and Lyman sectors.

 In Donetsk Oblast, 16 settlements are without electricity due to bad weather and 148 settlements are without electricity due to shelling. Also, a mine was de-energized due to shelling, and miners are being brought to the surface.

Kramatorsk and Kramatorsk raion

In the Lysychansk direction, Pereizne and Verkhnyokamianske of the Zvaniv community, Torske and Zarichne of the Lyman community, as well as Siversk are under fire.

Pokrovsk and Pokrovsk raion

On the Donetsk direction, 2 people were injured in Avdiyivka. Krasnohorivka, Kostyantynivka, and Katerynivka were shelled by artillery in the Maryinks community. Kurakhove was shelled twice: in the zone affected by the industrial zone.

Bakhmut and Bakhmut raion

3 private houses were damaged in the Horlivka direction in the Chasiv Yar community, Toretsk was under fire.

Luhansk Oblast 

Ukrainian military man from Luhansk Oblast, sapper Eduard Reznichenko, received the “Golden Cross” badge from the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Fighter Ed together with his comrades stopped the advance of the “Wagners” in the direction of Bakhmut in September of this year.

Southern Oblasts 

Mykolayiv Oblast

Four russian Shahed-131/136 type drones were shot down in Mykolaiv Oblast on the night of December 26. The russian military also struck the city of Mykolaiv and the village of Solonchaky in the Kutsurub community.

In Mykolaiv Oblast, a railway overpass damaged by shelling was rebuilt.

307 million hryvnias have been allocated for the recovery of the region in 2023 in Mykolaiv Oblast. Of them, 232 million are from the regional budget, and 88 million are from the local budget.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast 

84 strikes on 19 settlements of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast were carried out by the russian military during the past day, civilians were not injured. 3 reports were received about the destruction of residential buildings of citizens.

Seven attacks by the russian military near Robotyne and to the west of Vervovo in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast were repulsed by the Defense Forces last day, December 25.

Residents of several neighborhoods of temporarily occupied Berdyansk report loud sounds.

Odesa Oblast 

During the attack on December 25, the russian army hit the open territory of an infrastructure facility in the Odesa Oblast. A fire broke out on the spot, which was extinguished. People were not injured.

Air defense forces shot down four attack drones over Odesa Oblast.

Photographed military commissariat and a military unit for money: a Kherson man was convicted of treason in Odesa. The man pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property.

415 churches belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate continue to work in the Odesa region. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, one church in the region has joined the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Kherson Oblast 

Russian troops shelled the Kherson Oblast 74 times per day. They targeted a critical infrastructure facility in the Kherson raion. One person is injured.

As a result of shelling by the russian military, destruction was recorded in the Kherson and Beryslav raions. In the Kherson raion, russian shells damaged 25 objects: 11 private houses and four high-rise buildings, gas pipes, power lines, water pipes, a kindergarten, a shop, garages and a car.

This night, air defense units destroyed one “Shahed-136/131” type drone over the Kherson Oblast.

The russian military dropped explosives from a drone on Beryslav, Kherson Oblast. The injured man has a fractured forearm.

The troops of the aggressor country attacked Mykilske in the Kherson Oblast. 26 strikes on the village were recorded. The body of a deceased 71-year-old man was found under the rubble of the house. Tyaginka was also fired upon, a person died.

The activity of russian troops on the left bank of the Kherson Oblast has decreased. If earlier 30 assaults were recorded per day, now there are half as many.

Participants of the “Yellow Ribbon” movement at night distributed leaflets with the image of the so-called “governor of the region” Saldo on the streets of the temporarily occupied Henichesk of the Kherson Oblast. Thus, they reminded that he will be responsible for his crimes.


In Kherson, 361 consumers were connected to the electricity supply. Almost 500 subscribers remain without power as a result of another shelling by russia.

Central Oblasts

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

In the evening, russian troops shelled Nikopol raion with artillery. They attacked the raion center. There are no casualties or injuries. The consequences of the shelling are currently being investigated.

Eight special vehicles were handed over by benefactors from South Korea to the rescuers and doctors of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

Kirovohrad Oblast

On the night of December 26, air defense forces worked in Kirovohrad Oblast. It passed without injury or damage.

There are 2,500 places for immigrants to live in Kirovohrad Oblast. Currently, 87,700 people live in Oblast, who have been accepted since 2014, when the russian-Ukrainian war began.

Cherkasy Oblast 

In Cherkasy, nine court verdicts came into effect against state traitors who gave away the positions of the Ukrainian military, the location of air defense, and reported on the results of shelling at a time when a full-scale war has been going on in Ukraine for the second year. The SSU is investigating 36 criminal proceedings.

The Cherkasy military received self-reinforcement to protect the sky over Cherkasy from drones. This autotranche was handed over by the Shpola territorial community.

The Veteran’s Hub has started working in the Shpola territorial community. This is a multifunctional center for veterans and their families. Here you can get advice from lawyers, psychologists, and social workers. Spend time with benefit and communicate according to the principle of “equal – equal”.

Poltava Oblast

The first Agrocluster in the Oblast was presented in Poltava. It will act as a platform for attracting investors, grant funds, to support projects, as well as help farmers in their current work. About 100 representatives of communities, state institutions, sectoral public organizations, business entities, trade networks and companies discussed problematic issues and priority directions for the development of the agricultural sector of the Oblast.

Vinnytsia Oblast

In Vinnytsia Oblast, five families of the participants in hostilities, who are displaced persons, will receive funds from the state budget for the purchase of housing.

Western Oblasts

Rivne Oblast 

In Goshcha in the Rivne Oblast, academic lyceum students collect money for paraffin and wax for trench candles by caroling. In recent months, the institution has been making trench candles for defenders, so it needs materials.

Khmelnytskyi Oblast

On the night of December 26, Khmelnytskyi was attacked by russian “shaheds”. During the air raid, residents of the region could hear explosions. Air defense forces were working.


The annual Podilskyi New Year mini-football marathon for the mayor’s cup was held, organized by the Sports Club “Novator” with the support of the Kamianets-Podilskyi City Council. He gathered teams from Kamianets, Antoniny, Khmelnytskyi, Kyiv, Bukovyna, Ternopil Oblast and Kharkiv Oblast.

Zakarpattia Oblast

The head of the OMA, together with the head of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Zakarpattia Oblast, awarded the Presidential Medal “For the Defense of Ukraine” to policemen who are currently performing combat tasks as part of the combined battalion of the National Police “West”. Air reconnaissance equipment and other logistical support were also handed over to them.

At the meeting of the executive committee, a decision was made to provide material assistance to the residents of the Chop urban territorial community in the total amount of 101,000 hryvnias. So, in particular, one-time financial assistance to citizens who found themselves in difficult life circumstances was provided in the amount of 26,000 hryvnias. 70,000 thousand was given to the wounded soldier and the family of the fallen Hero.

The former Pushkin Square in the center of Uzhgorod is proposed to be named after the fallen soldier Serhii Kuznev. Residents registered a corresponding petition.

Last modified: 28 Грудня, 2023