
Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network May 3, 2022

The 69th day of the Ukrainian people’s heroic struggle against the russian military invasion


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network May 2, 2022

The sixty-eighth day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network May 1, 2022

The 67th day of the Ukrainian people’s heroic struggle against the russian military invasion


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network April 30, 2022

The sixty-sixth day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network April 29, 2022

Day sixty-fifth of the Ukrainian people’s heroic struggle against the russian military invasion


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network April 27, 2022

The sixty-third day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military

Блог, Звіти

ГО “Український код” стала учасником програми “Google Ads Grants”

ГО «Український Код» стала однією із тих


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network April 26, 2022

The 62nd day of the Ukrainian people’s heroic struggle against the russian military invasion


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network April 25, 2022

The 61st day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the russian military invasion


Operational information from the regions of the Active Community Network April 24, 2022

The 60th day of the Ukrainian people’s heroic struggle against the russian military invasion